The Brotherhood

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Who are we?

We are an elite group of highly trained members. We specialise in various activities, which include production of guns. All of our members are prepared for every situation and fit to deal with any opposition that may disturb them.

Where do we reside?

Our places of residence can range from Farm, to Office, to Glass Co, to Projex. Depending on the situation, we are flexible in terms of making whatever environments we need to use work. Our defences are built to the highest standard and we do our best to crush raiders.


Combat - what is our arsenal?

As described, sometimes self-defence must be employed to destroy raiders. Within these situations, our extremely able organisation members are expected to have a strong arsenal of weapons to choose from, for maximum versatility and efficacy.


Other organisations

We may have troublesome organisations attempt to oppose us, and for this we may declare our official enemies. We will do everything in our power to decimate enemy opposition where applicable. Enemies will only be declared when an organisation is consistently being a nuisance. We may also have business partnerships, colloquially known as allies. These will also be declared below.

As of present times, we have declared no business partnerships or enemies.


Who are our members?

For the wellbeing of our members, we shall keep them anonymous. However, we shall list the leaders below:

Jak Birksy | @JBirksy
Blair Mckay | @Sorle
Jack Young | @JackZ

Feel free to get in touch with any of the leaders for any questions you may have.
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ugandan army declared war on you infidels

our child soldiers such as @Void will be in contact shortly
I have some questions...

1. Where the fuck do u guys come from like what is ur background.
2. are the bases u claim to always base in automaticly yours, and if so where can I find written proof of consent by the real estage agent?
3. is this organisation going to overthrow olsen? @Taylor
4. got some questions about shit u said:

We are an elite group of highly trained members.
@Taylor is this olsen.2?

are prepared for every situation
canon bombs, carbombs, crazy bakassi women running at u with machete's aswell?

best to crush raiders.
I hope you mean call the police in order to scare the raiders away in a non violent manner as this org is totally non violent and has nothing to do with criminal activities right?

to decimate enemy opposition
oh nvm...

Enemies will only be declared when an organisation is consistently being a nuisance
so if slightly upset a lot u will publicly declare me and my organisation as an "Enemy" of your legit business... oh alright, don't let me stand in ur path...

We may also have business partnerships, colloquially known as allies
we have declared no business partnerships or allies.
huh? u just said they were the same...
Hello, there seems to be no activity coming from this org page, this thread will be moved into the 'Disbanded' section of the forums.

If your org is still active in game then message me directly to have it moved back.
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