The current "hate" on staff members

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IKEA - Northern Europe
About 2 weeks ago I was on the server and I noticed that there was a lot of people talking about reports not being done and so on well let's talk about that shall we;

First of all we're all here to make your day on the server easier we're here to respond to your reports and solve you problem and yes you have the rights to talk to us if you think we're doing something wrong and so on however honestly it's gone way to far... I usually get home from college at like 4pm and I'm really tired as I only got one subject I have to put all effort down into it, when I get off college I just get home asap and go on perp as fast as I can usually takes me like 40 min after college to go on perp I think? Anyways I get home start doing reports for like 1-2 hours and you have to understand that I'm really exhausted after school but hey I try my best after those hour(S) of doing reports I usually spot that there's a lot of staff members on so I ask; can someone else do some reports now? And honestly I have to give @The-Devils-Son @Homer and @Loejseren @Standish credits for this as they always say yes or just start responding to reports. Sometimes there are some staff members who can't do reports because if you actually now respond to some reports and it might've taken some time because we're in a roleplay sit and when we get to you we can get this respond for example; Finally you respond I've been waiting for like 30 min when you've actually just waited like 5 minutes, how fun do you think that is? Honestly...

So what I'm asking is please dear members of perpheads get mad about our response time it does not help by calling us slow or bad.
I understand you got alot of work to do as a staff member but you've also chosen for it when you applied for it. And the last weeks the response time is ridiculous though. Even with 4-5 mods online I had to wait over 30 minutes once and then I just said nvm my report because it wouldn't get dealed with it anyways. Not blaming anyone here but..
^ That post troubles me.

The PERPHeads staff team:
(All the time actually)


Daymon I don't think there it's even necessary to make this. People should know that it is exam season for many people, there's quite obviously more users than staff members so it's going to have a devastating impact. All I can say is in a couple of weeks it'll get better. The same happened last year, it's something everybody should expect. If needs be I guess we should make an official announcement about activity due to exams next year if people do not really understand.
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To be honest, report counts are there to make sure if someone is not absent then they are handling reports, trying to fix the issue.
I know swipers organising a survey soon to try and improve things for the players in terms of rulebreakers.

At the moment, pretty much all of us have exams so every year, things this year take a massive drop but I know as soon June arrives there will be competition of who can jump on a report first aha :)
I respect the staff team a lot, they do their bests to help out 50 normal players every day.
And than, it's not only the reports but also BA & BR's on the forums.
They have a lot to do, so have some patience and respect.
Its ok, anyway if the reporters want they can make a BR. Admins couldn't respond two reports in one right? I respect you guys and I know its hard work, I used to be a mod on a server with a maximum of 60 people too, It was not easy and I was always busy.

I once waited from 11:00 in the morning till 4:50 in the afternoon, still didn't complain cause I understand the work, and the things they do for us.
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Unfortunately most staff members do not use the disguise mode so that really pisses people who do /report off I waited 45 minutes for my report to be responded to oh guess what 4 moderators was all on "Role-playing" when I would of rather ,,, seen them in disguise mode without the BLUE TAG