
Reaction score
East Grestin Border Checkpoint
Devil is one of my favourite fellow staff members, he helped me the most during my Enforcer days. If I had even the stupidest of questions, he would answer them to the best of his ability. His police persona is fantastic, he's great to RP with. Great staff member, great roleplayer and overall a credit to the community.

[Side Note] 9/10 IGN, cutting edge MLG Pro gamer, 10/10 for OPTIIC

Even though he randomly pops up in noclip so I crashed my cop car, he's an amazing mod and I want his babies. Keep doing your mod duties like this and the whole community will like you :) (except the guys you ban :s)
Yep, totally agree. He helped me all the time when I was new, rolling around in his blue, Miura. Yesterday when I became enforcer, he jumped at the opportunity to help me set up TS3 binds as and acted as a test subject during my training. (I was testing out the remover tool on him, as instructed by @MoronPipllyd :D)

Great guy, great moderator. #Devil4admon

p.s He also has a very sexy voice.