The EU Referendum. Your view on the result

Do you think it's going to go well for the UK outside the EU?

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North East England (UK)
So as some of you may know is that the United Kingdom has pretty much left the European Union and also that David Cameron is going to leave his role as the prime minister at October and we are going to have the solid Boris Johnson as our new leader. The reason why I'm making this rather boring but very life changing politic thread is that I want to know your view on the situation if it's going to go well for the UK outside the EU or not.

Remain a member of the European Union=48.1% (16,141,241)
Leave the European Union=51.9% (17,410,742)

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This is just going to be a :beef: thread

IMO I am happy with the result, wont bother listing reasons as it just causes problems :s
Its caused David Cameron to step down , Its going to increase mortgages and the food prices will possibly go higher
The pound has fallen to $1.35, a 10 percent drop and the lowest value of the pound since 1985.

Idiots, any import to the UK will be more expensive now for UK citizens. Enjoy paying 10% more on that new computer you wanted :laughcry:
We are probably go into another recession which means the economy will go to shit. If this happens then less jobs will be avalible to UK citizens so it will cause people to go on benifits and cause the goverment to lose money and put up taxes.

Dunno how it is in the UK but a referendum here doesn't even need to be followed, they just say; okay, dont care we wont do what you want :)

Ugh, dunno My thoughts really i just believe that your country Will have a much harder time
I think that Scotland wants to be independent now, cos most of them wanted to stay in the EU
Everyone knew that leaving the EU would cause a lot of instant short term problems. But the reason for it was for the long term issues that would be solved.

Anyone saying RIP Britain are downies because in 2 years time once we've actually left the EU, there will be more jobs for UK citizens, and hopefully our unemployment rate will drop to fuck due to this. From this the pound will rise back up as UKs gdp will go sky high.

If we stayed in the EU then in 2020 we would have the Euro which would cause inflation anyway which would lead to all sorts of problems.

Just to add, everyone is saying RIP the pound, it only dropped 10p to the dollar, and you do realize that's what it was in March this year. Of course it could drop more, but for now stop crying yo

Leaving was a risk in my opinion which hopefully will work out, #CyaEU
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Boris used to be the MP of my town :D As for the result, the exchange rates are a bit crazy right now be we will see what happens. Poor David Cameron.
Well might have a wobbly start with that weirdo Boris but once we get things going and settle down it'll be alright.
Country will just be run by the same liars and childish politics anyway. Nothing different there.
Yet again Scotland gets shit on by the rest of the UK. It's so great when we vote against our own independence so that all of our votes can be decided for us and that ours will not matter for shit. The pound is tanking and we're basically fucked.
Anyone saying RIP Britain are downies because in 2 years time once we've actually left the EU, there will be more jobs for UK citizens, and hopefully our unemployment rate will drop to fuck due to this. From this the pound will rise back up as UKs gdp will go sky high.

If we stayed in the EU then in 2020 we would have the Euro which would cause inflation anyway which would lead to all sorts of problems.

Leaving was a risk in my opinion which hopefully will work out, #CyaEU
That's like quitting your job and telling your Boss to fuck off because you might Win the lottery...
That's like quitting your job and telling your Boss to fuck off because you might Win the lottery...
Well it isn't at all like that. Because wining the lottery is a game of chance and leaving the EU is a calculated risk. But if you wanna make a dumb post I'd suggest using the comment feature so you can hide from the dumb ratings.

A better simile would be that it is like quitting PERP knowing it will be shit for a few days but then be amazing after a while because you realize how much of your life you've wasted.
Its no surprise there would be an economical dip after the referendum but that does not mean Britain is somehow doomed.
I don't support leaving the EU (even though my profile picture is nigel farage) but honestly, I don't belive the UK will go to shit. Yes, the pound is currently fucked but in a month or so expect that to return to normal. The UK will still remain within the EU for 2 more years (while negotiations are sorted), so most trade deals with other countries will be sorted by that time. The UK will continue to trade with other countries all around the world, just like it did when it was in the EU, as the UK is a major importer. Honestly, the EU will be more effected by us leaving than we will in the long-term. The UK is the financial hub of the EU and also the only country (along with france) that has a powerful military. I have a feeling what happened in the UK will happen to other EU countries and the EU will begin to crumble. Additionally, don't worry about big corporations HQ's moving the the eu. The euro is unstable as shit. They'll probably just stay here.

Additionally, if we stayed in the EU we would be forced to adopt the euro by 2020, the euro is NOT a stable currency, and it would effect our economic growth.The UK's economy growing really fucking fast at the moment. So we may well have a brighter future for the UK.

Although I do have concerns about the SNP's making another independence vote highly likely, and this time it may well pass. Source:
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Lmfao just bants Cameron is stepping down, love it. I don't think anyone is really sure what will happen, that's what us Brits are good at.

Oh and we also like our drama, so everyone from other countries commenting on this issue, don't worry about it.


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