The Front - Application section

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Wish to apply for The Front? Then please reply to this page with the format supplied below, keep in mind that you can also apply privately but keep in mind that you won't be listed in the member section of the organisation page unless specified by you.
Minimum age of 16 (exceptions can be made )
Have a decent enough rule knowledge without a bad record
Please note that you do NOT need:
A microphone.
A high amount of bank funds or your typical super sport car.

Why do you wish to join The Front?:
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?:
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?:
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?:

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Name(OOC): Omer Dahan (can call me Omar if more comfortable lol)
Name(IC): Jon Marston
Age: (OOC) 13 (IC) 32 (just made it up don't really have an age ingame)
Why do you wish to join The Front?: Recently I find almost nothing to do, I just roam around without any task set to me, and being a government employee just doesn't do it for me. I wanted to find an org to make some money and even further develop my character, without too many requirements, and this seems perfect for me.
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: I'd say I'm decent and basic things like driving and shooting, I'm lvl 50 firearms so I can supply guns to an extent.
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: I was a part of the bigger orgs around, I haven't been in one in a long time since they were all bad tbh until now when some new ones opened, and I feel this one is the best of them for me.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: No.
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Name(OOC): TheFrozeMonkeyKing
Jake Hudson
Age: 16, turning 17 in november.
Why do you wish to join The Front?: I need an organisation. Never have I been a member of a regular org that was not filled with sweaters, and I do believe this is more than a regular org.
It doesn't look like aids
So why do I want to join this organisation? Because I want to try something new, socializing with new people, and actually have something to do.
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: The specific skill of having a brain in my posession would fit quite nicely. I can craft absolutely anything apart from furniture requiring 4 dexterity or 8 woodworking. I am decent with most firearms, but specialized with concealable, fully-automatic short-to-medium-range weapons.
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: Everything is taught by myself or by spectating others. I believe I know anything that could be needed to know. I have only been a part of 2 orgs that I remember; Men in Brown, and of course Merryweather Security.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: I believe in loyality. I couldn't care less about the money. I am here to serve the organisation.
Jake still won't marry Angela :booty:
Name(OOC): ♫JarredInator♫

Name(IC): Jarred Donerino

Age: 15

Why do you wish to join The Front?: Because I need an orginisation again.

Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: I bang scrubs like I drink water

Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: Greek Empire - White feather mafia - Belinsky Family - Ewogs - Corleone (lol)

Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: Corleone was a disaster
Name(OOC): Hayden
Name(IC): Hayden James
Age: 14 (Close to 15)
Why do you wish to join The Front?: Because I love being part of a org working together to become stronger and just love growing / making money.
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: I'm fairly good at shooting and driving.
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: Crafting+, Armenian Mafia, Royal British Mafia, The Avito
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: N/A

Name(OOC): [PH] Joe.
Name(IC): Nick Chambers
Age: 14
Why do you wish to join The Front?: Im looking for a good organisation that i can stick to and with the reputation you have i can see this being a big success
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: Im an ok shot when i wanna be and im a decent builder
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: I was in yamaguchi and ewogs
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: just that id be happy if i got accepted
Name(OOC): Niko
Name(IC): Dontrall Caldwell
Age: 18
Why do you wish to join The Front?: I'm bored.
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: Very good with cars. Also, am vri smrt
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: Yes. Not going to list them all, but they include JarHeads, Bratstvo Mafia, The Avito, and so on.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: im gud boy
Name(OOC): Archibald
Name(IC): Archina Doman
Age: 15
Why do you wish to join The Front?: I wish to join because a good organisation is the key to success. I feel that with us working together, we can run the world!
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: I can offer my body for money. Also a GREAT singer ;)
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?:The Commonwealth, Armenian Mafia, Virtuous, Standish Family, Urban Cohort, Club Penguin, Avito, and there must be more.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?:
Name(OOC): Philip
Name(IC): Ahmed Balcan
Age: I'm guessing this is OOC, 14 in next week.
Why do you wish to join The Front?: It looks like an organization that isn't chaotic, like corleone, and It looks lovely.
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: Shooting, crafting, loyal to my leader.
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: Corleone (chaos), The Davidsons and Merryweather.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: I know I might not have the deepest voice, but I'm a lot more mature than I was before.
Name(OOC): Jordan
Name(IC): Steven Arnott
Age: 17
Why do you wish to join The Front?: Looking to join a structured organisation that I can just generally mess around with when I'm not roleplaying as a government official. I would also like to assist with helping people make money in a safe environment, which you have listed in the organisation page.
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: I would say I'm quite diplomatic, confident and I'd say I have a good set of communication skills.
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: None necessarily notable apart from some of my own organisations.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: Paralake Services :booty:
Name(OOC): James
Name(IC): james parker
Why do you wish to join The Front?: looks like a nice org that I would like to be a part of, I'm helpful so can do my part to help everyone!
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: shooting, growing and talking my way out of sticky situations
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: yes the lambda family
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: I'm pretty mature and wont just mess about like many other people
Name(OOC): Real: Vincent --- Nickname: Speeder
Name(IC): Dave Coleman
Age: 13
Why do you wish to join The Front?: Have been looking for an org a long time now, as there have'nt been any good ones. Saw this and though, looks really nice. Not a fan of big orgs that just recruit people out of the open, even tho i been in some that just do that. :)
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: Shooting and base building must be my specific skills.
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: I have been in Ewogs, Avito, Belinsky family, Davidson Family, Cleans Cleaning Service, The Sanchez Family, The Outlaws, Drugs INC and some smaller ones.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: Pretty gut at Aiming :booty:
Name(OOC): Wolfjie

Harry Gilbert

15 (Nearly 16)

Why do you wish to join The Front?:
I love being in orgs and I have not been in one for a while. This org seems fun , cool and powerful I would love to join.

Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?:
I am alright at defending and raiding. Not too bad at driving too.

Do you have any experience from previous organisations?:
La Cosa Nostra is the main one I used to be in.

Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?:
Thanks for reading.
Name(OOC): Reetz
Name(IC): Emily Hudson
Age: (OOC)17, turning 18 in november. (IC) 19.
Why do you wish to join The Front?: I need a new org, and this made up my requiems.
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: Im a decent shooter (mostly sniper) and my driving skills.
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: MWS, and some other very old groups.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: "Don't Judge My Choices Without Understanding My Reasons"
Name(OOC): Daragh

Jonathan Good

13 // 27

Why do you wish to join The Front?:
I wish to join The Front as I am looking for a good organisation just to hang around with when I'm bored and to actually have some fun in paralake, now it's just getting boring being alone.

Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?:
Driving and shooting.

Do you have any experience from previous organisations?:
Avito and some of the big organisations.

Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?:
Not really.
Name(OOC): Aureatron
Name(IC): Hardik Patel

Age: 18
Why do you wish to join The Front?: I need a new organization
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: Yes, I have a lot of leadership skills and I used to be a Head of Indians in my previous organization, I make very good curry too.
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: Being a Head of Indians in my previous organization, I can say I do have some experience.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: No
Name(OOC): Ethan
Name(IC): Ethan
Age: 15
Why do you wish to join The Front?: Cause got a few friends in it and it's least mingey org.
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: Good shooter, can craft everything up to AKs.
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: Belinskys, Crescendo, Crafting+, Peter The Prophet and a few others
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: Aaron's a skid. Oh and Jarred never listens to me but he's still a babe.

Wish to apply for The Front? Then please reply to this page with the format supplied below, keep in mind that you can also apply privately but keep in mind that you won't be listed in the member section of the organisation page unless specified by you.
Minimum age of 16 (Some exceptions can be made )
2 Weeks of playtime minimum
Have a decent enough rule knowledge
Please note that you do NOT need:
A microphone.
A high amount of bank funds or your typical super sport car.

Why do you wish to join The Front?:
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?:
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?:
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?:

Name(OOC) DabivBowie

Name(IC): kinama yamaguchi

i wish to join. cause i think all of you guys are awesome. and i dont have an org and you guys look perfect

im firearms level 11 but im trying my out most to get in

yeah i was a co leader in my old org

i really wanna join cause i know alot a people in the org

Name(OOC): Shaun
Name(IC): Kitano Yamaguchi
Age: 43
Why do you wish to join The Front?: Tired of making organizations where no one would happily join me.
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: I have great leadership roles and teamwork
Do you have any experience from previous organizations?: Yakuza
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: No
Name(OOC): [PH] Cardstarvipe
Name(IC): Philip Wood
Age: Ic: 21 ooc: 14
Why do you wish to join The Front?: Im looking for a good org with people that are actually fun/enjoyable to play with and this org has alot of fun,smart and powerfull people
Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: Im a good raider,Good with comming up with tactics
Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: La cosa nostra,Standish Family,Urban Cohort
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: Im level 100 firearms and i also know alot of members in the org such as lexa,jarred,John etc
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