The Front

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


We are an organisation in the heart of Paralake looking to protect and accept new recruits eager to help and earn money safely with offered protection within our properties so your/our work is practically impossible and disturbance free. With our experience we are able to hold a stable relationship between people - even rivals of our past. We don't use flames, we accept you as you are no matter what.

We are no Mafia or Family, we are the Front.

Organisation guidelines are the following:
Do NOT cause any trouble with anyone officialy affiliated with this organisation or outside of this organisation.
We do not wish to cause any trouble for people we do(n't) know, keep a clean reputation for everyone involved in this organisation and make yourself a good instead of a bad name.
Do NOT attract any unwanted attention to our property or other related places we are affiliated with.
The police is here to help - Don't make their job any harder by evading them and comply 100% until they head back off to their duties.
Do NOT steal any valuable/personal property with anyone affiliated in this organisation.
Self explanatory.
DO help in certain areas/problems when needed and if possible without risking yourself.
Somebody needs their help? Do it right, don't get yourself hurt or even killed. You're not a soldier in a war, take care of your lives responsibly and stay in our properties.
(OOC) Don't be the general PERP Mingebag. This includes punching people in our base, shooting organisation members for banter in our base, ramming other peoples cars our base, etc. Have a relatively clean record, the last thing you want to do is give to do is give yourself and the organisation a bad reputation.
Self explanatory.

These guidelines will be updated frequently so keep an eye out.

Application section
Current status: CLOSED
If you wish to apply privately you can open a conversation. Please remember that your name will not be included in the member section of this organisation page when applied privately unless specified by you.

To contact us please send a message to #237-7272, phone calls will not be accepted.
Outdated at the moment
Leader of The Front:

Angela Walker
Head of Frontliners:
Jared Donerino
Lexa Hills
John Hermandez
Jake Hudson
Emily Hudson
Jon Marston
Trusted Member(s):
Steven Arnott
Dontrall Caldwell
Archina Doman
Ahmed Balcan
Hayden James
Chadd Ross
Kinama Yamaguchi
Tavell Clinton
Shaun Hills
Laila Queen
Rohid Sewpersad
John Magnets
Nadine Kennedy
James Anders
William Robertson
Philip Wood
Jimmy Fernandez
Sam Arnolds
Victoria Rasmussen
Rami Jackson

The founder and manager, he/she takes care of all business regarding the organisaton and makes sure that there is no trouble within the two parties.
Co-Leader of The Front, self explanatory.
The head of the Frontliners group, self explanatory but with more permissions and power/authority.
A higher rank of the Trusted Member(s) is the Frontliner. These have access to the organisation storage and are generally the best men/ladies to have around and know their way of getting their or others work done.
Members who have proven themselves to be trustworthy and loyal will be assigned to the Trusted Member(s) rank.
Applicants who have applied and have been accepted will be placed into the most basic rank, Member.
Handles organisation applications along with the Leader.

We are a neutral organisation. We don't look for enemies but alliances can be made. If you are interested in an alliance feel free to contact #237-7272.

-The Eagle Pact
-Urban Cohort

Requirements are the following to join this organisation (OOC):
Minimum age of 16 (Some exceptions can be made).
2 Weeks of playtime minimum.
Have a decent enough rule knowledge.
Please note that you do NOT need:
A microphone.
A high amount of bank funds or your typical super sport car.​
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This organization sounds like it will be a change from your average organization, offering you to make money safely, and offering protection is big words, as far as to whether or not you will go through with that we will see.

The first day of our organisation has been a bit crazy at the pub but we've made it. With a good drink and getting to know each other nicely along with the Corleone (@Blackdown) it's safe to say that we are to a good way to go.

Oh, on another note the ranks have been updated accordingly, check the spoilers for some small explanations.
Putting Rami on recruitment is as smart as putting Hardik as a teacher on an English class. Who's idea was this?
[DOUBLEPOST=1462371058,1462224843][/DOUBLEPOST]Considering this:

I'm nominating myself for Head of Frontliners

Had to leave the organization cause the hate towards my friends, though this organization is supposed to be for mature people, (16+ OOC age), the members turned out to be really hateful towards others. I have made a lot of friends in here and I would like to say a formal good bye.

A meeting will be set up this evening at
7:30 (English time)
8:30 (CET time)

This meeting will be hosted by @Keel (John Hermandez) and @JarredInator (Jarred Donerino) [me]

Due to people having little time to prepare we don't require you to be with us this night, however appreciate you turning up. It will take roughly 30 minutes.

PM me (Jarred) in-game for more information.
My game crashed just as the meeting was about to start and now i've been on auto retry for 30 mins trying to get back in, is there any chance someone could go over with me about what was talked about?
As many of you have already noticed, I've left the organization and just before I did I said: "You guys are shit". I'm going to tell you exactly why I left.

I left the organization because yesterday I was settling in slums 3 alone. I stated that more than once in the organization chat, and then I got raided. I got raided by an organization member named "Bobbie Ross" who claimed that he didn't know I lived there and it ended with the cops taking my stuff. I was pretty pissed, so I got most of my stuff back from him and gave him a one way trip to hell. Then he left the organization and I did the same. To my surprise he has rejoined the organization, and I don't really feel any trust within it anymore. Ofcorse there are some member who I would trust, although for the others I don't really know.

I just wanted to clear things up, I guess I'm going to stay org less now unless there is an actual active big organization out there or you fix the problems in your org.

George Schurr.
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I'll make this a short post, we have kicked a bunch of people, you could call this a spring clean up. Generally those people we don't know or that are general trouble makers (IC and OOC speaking of) and have reduced our member count by quite a number. That's all really, the member count has been raising a lot recently which meant we had to deny lots of new applicants that were originally accepted which made me close the applications, make yourself a good name and we might re-consider you, thanks.

Oh, a new rank also has been added, not sure when I have the time to update the member list, probably soon.

@Synatec @Death Howl we have kicked you by accident (Bloody jewbarb), please message any members in the city that can send a new invitation.
Apologies for my recent inactivity, I'm not sure if I'm kicked or not but thought I'd let you know, I'm just a bit bored of gmod at the moment and I'm trying to get global on csgo haha. If I am still in the organization I won't be inactive for much longer, I'll still come on every couple days I just need a break in order to not fully give up on the game, I hope you understand
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