The Mayoral Assassination

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Zagreb, Croatia
Sometimes the mayor doesnt please his citizens, and some brave and stupid people might rise up and "fix the problem". If you are one of those people heres a guide on how to succed... Most of the time.

Planning it out

Planning is key to doing a propper assassination. If you dont plan you plan to fail. The most crutial steps to planning it are these:

Equipment and Crew
Timeline of events during the execution

Equipment and Crew -
At least 2 people are needed for this. You will need bobby pins, automatic rifles with at least 3 spare mags, at least 3 bandages, stim packs

Timeline of events during the execution -
This is planning in what order stuff should go on. For example : Entry and progression to target, locating the taget, neutralising threats, neutralising the target.

Fast car and a good hiding place or place where you can set up a resistance point.

Approximate position of cops, target...

The way I do it

Agressive approach

Entry into CH and targeting the mayor's location, bobby pinning the doors and entering. If you have 4 people have 2 people going in each side of the mayor's office. Kill all SS and then kill the mayor. Make sure you will execute the mayor's unconcious body by shooting him in the head at least 5 times, also finish off the SS. Escape and kill any assholes in your way.

Now I'm sure many other people came up with better and more creative ways of assassinating the mayor, but I showed you the ones I use and think of using.

Make sure that you have a realistic reason to do this. For more info about this look at the rule 3.12.
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The way I do it:
Leave my base alone
Enter the CH with only a silenced beretta. No extra mags, no bobby pins.
Wait for the mayor to come down in his fancy elevator in his pretty suit
Kill his SS with 2/5 bullets
Kill the Mayor with 2 bullets- Making him unconscious and then finishing him off
(OPTIONAL) Use last bullet on the unconscious SS
Run away before cops arrive

Lmao mayoral assassination is easy. And btw you don't need to shoot the mayor in the head 5 times to finish him off xD
The way I do it:
Leave my base alone
Enter the CH with only a silenced beretta. No extra mags, no bobby pins.
Wait for the mayor to come down in his fancy elevator in his pretty suit
Kill his SS with 2/5 bullets
Kill the Mayor with 2 bullets- Making him unconscious and then finishing him off
(OPTIONAL) Use last bullet on the unconscious SS
Run away before cops arrive

Lmao mayoral assassination is easy. And btw you don't need to shoot the mayor in the head 5 times to finish him off xD
Ik but my friend once shot him and missed his head, he was revived and I blocked my friend on steam XD.
Get a sniper, succeeds more, EZ, Some are loud but effective. Just wait for them to start running around And snipe them from a distance.

Otherwise just wait for HIM coming out CH And just run xD, you Will get caught anyway #wantedlist
@LordTyla @Jamie2200


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Our initial plan was to make it a in and out plan. With people in vans and sports cars outside. Pretend there is a delivery man outside waiting for the mayor, and then shoot the entire place up. Seven people were with me, me as the 'ring-leader'. However before killing the Mayor. We'd say something to him, possibly use him as a hostage if police showed up.


As we knocked on the door, which was our first stage we noticed that the doors downstairs were opening and closing. Then we heard sirens.
The mayor must've panicked as we knocked on the door we thought. As we found out that S.W.A.T and Police were filled. We thought to ourselves, there is no way out of this. Either fight to hope for the best or give ourselves up. If we gave ourselves up; we'd go away for ten years, have numerous items ($60,000) amount of illegal weapons, Molotov's and a Bomb confiscated. Racking up to a $2000 ticket, 10 years sentence and a $60k loss in weapons and stuff.
So as we talked about it for ten seconds, I threw a Molotov at the police downstairs and at the entrances (elevators and bridge leading to Mayor's office).
The entire building was going up in fumes, surrounded by nothing but two doors, and fire.
We fought our way through and shot down numerous officers. This is when @LordTyla arrived on scene, with four medics and two firefighters, who used their fire extinguishers on some of the Fire.

Me and @Jamie2200 were then the only two alive. At this point, we took a 'safe place' behind a wall. And I proceeded to use the last of my three Molotov's; Killing S.W.A.T and two officers.
I was on my last Bobby pin and tried to lock pick the door, the bobby pin broke and we had no choice but to fight. @LordTyla got through the fire and shot down @Jamie2200
I then shot @LordTyla but as I was on top of a ledge at the time, I walked backwards and died. Falling into the fire.


The great fire of Paralake.
(The city hall was on fire for four hours that night, until a staff member cleared all fires.)
Best way;

Ask to see the mayor.

Have all the parts for a silenced berreta with you, but make sure to not assemble it yet.

Get to the meeting

The police may search you, but won't find the pistol, since it isn't assembled.

Go to the meeting.

While they are looking another way, assemble the pistol.

Shoot everyone.

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