The Mental Health Thread

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In 2016, @MrAaron posted the following thread.

I feel like this did not gain enough attention and decided to make another one.

I want this thread to be here for people that are struggling with mental health, or just need to get something off their chest. For many people talking is the solution to many things because other people have different views on certain things. This thread will be here for anyone to reply so they can get the advice they might need to move on in life.

I myself have had a very tough last 3 years struggling with a deeply hidden depression. No one knew I felt like this, so no one helped and this made it worse for me because I thought they didn't care. Obviously, they did care but just didn't know. As soon as I told my family they were all very surprised. I was always the quiet type with short answers and never really talked that much in general. They thought it was just me being me.
Recently I decided to finally take a step and make an appointment with the doctor's office, they redirected me to a psychologist and gave me medication. This didn't feel like it worked for me so I fell back into the old bad habits of not doing anything and this caused me to skip school and eventually quit due to not being able to continue anyways.
Thoughts of harming myself, harming others, stealing from others and even suicide are very common when I am not distracted from doing anything. Sleeping is impossible for me unless I smoked weed, which I thought wasn't a bad thing but it obviously is. I still smoke weed but it is starting to become a socializing thing and not an "Alone in my room high as fuck" thing. My sleep is slowly recovering but I now struggle with constant sleep paralysis and nightmares to the point where I am no longer scared of them but just think 'Ahh... Not again'. In my sleep paralysis I see things which I am starting to doubt if they are real or not, which really fucks with my mind. I also deeply look into them due to not being scared anymore.
Right now I can't really get anything done and due to the corona virus it is now easier for me to avoid contact which isn't helping at all. Life has hit me like a train recently and I have become very very numb in everything.

Recently I have also had a lot of deja vu moments right after predicting something which makes me feel very weird, I can not explain this feeling. For example, I watch Formula 1 and I said 2 weeks before the race that I thought something bad was going to happen and guess what, Lap 1, Romain Grosjean has a massive crash in which it was a miracle he survived.
This just makes me feel absolutely crazy and I start having deep thoughts, which is a bad thing for me right now.

I stopped taking the medication because I don't want to be dependent on pills, I am extremely against taking medication to solve your problems and I know I don't need them. I just need to find out why I feel like this, what is causing it and then take the necessary steps to solve those problems.

Mental health is joked about a lot and I understand why. It became kind off a taboo because no one really wants to talk about it if they have it themselves, which I also understand. I want this thread to be here for people that are struggling with some form of mental health so they can vent to people that are going through the same or similar feelings.

If you ever think about harming yourself, seek help. Talk to your parents, talk to your friends, anyone. You are NOT alone, we all go through some shit but for some people it is worse than for others. Don't let your mind take over your heart and keep fighting against it, it will become better one day and I strongly believe that.
Please talk about it here if you are scared to talk to your relatives. It will help.
Personally, I believe people arent aware of MHI. Some people would treat ADHD as if your a bad kid in school and punished for doing bad things, which could look like the kid is doing good things in their own eyes. You see as you drive around my county, you have up posters about MHI, but not alot of people actually pay attention, to stop and read and think about it.
Personally, I believe people arent aware of MHI. Some people would treat ADHD as if your a bad kid in school and punished for doing bad things, which could look like the kid is doing good things in their own eyes. You see as you drive around my county, you have up posters about MHI, but not alot of people actually pay attention, to stop and read and think about it.
As an ADHD sufferers myself, I take a very strong dislike towards it being referred to as a mental illness because it isn’t. It’s a behavioural disorder.
As an ADHD sufferers myself, I take a very strong dislike towards it being referred to as a mental illness because it isn’t. It’s a behavioural disorder.
In primary school, teachers and staff wasnt aware of MHI, meaning that if I kicked off, I would of been restrained/severely held down, or put into a soft room, which they got for me whilst i was there, then removed when i left.
Honestly, I never really talked to people after mum died. I'd just bottle it up and let it sit there which led to further issues, I'd fall behind at school, not sleep properly (still never do) and I even had bad mood swings.

The only person I properly talked to was my bereavement Councillor, but I'd still find a way to make myself feel like shit. I'd forget about homework, chores I had to do etc.

I ended up falling a sleep in a science exam and my dad was not happy. Teachers rarely knew what was going on, the only information they had was
My mum had died

That is all I had, 2 weeks after my mum died, 2 pricks broke into my house and stole money, my mums jewellery and other precious things.

This was all 3 years ago when I was in Year 7, I'm in Year 11 now and taking GCSEs in the summer, and even that bothers me.

Something that didn't help was some people, who I won't name, took it like a pinch of salt and took the mick on purpose, not a joke, it'd be people from this community and people at my school.

The true person who really helped me the day my mum died, and afterwards, was @Henk , he kept me talking and really helped.
As someone who struggled with severe depression I strongly encourage people to actually reach out to people you know who you might be worried about and try and reach out to them and be a mate. Don't have to throw yourself down the rabbit hole when it comes to dealing with their life issues but keep an eye out for them and try talking to them every once in awhile. A little goes a long way.

Cautionary tale from experience: NEVER Put yourself in a relationship you would feel uncomfortable with when it comes to mental health issues on either sides, you are not obliged to date someone solely because they are depressed regardless of how far they try guilting you into it. People who do this are obviously playing on your softer side to their advantage.
As someone who struggled with severe depression I strongly encourage people to actually reach out to people you know who you might be worried about and try and reach out to them and be a mate. Don't have to throw yourself down the rabbit hole when it comes to dealing with their life issues but keep an eye out for them and try talking to them every once in awhile. A little goes a long way.

Cautionary tale from experience: NEVER Put yourself in a relationship you would feel uncomfortable with when it comes to mental health issues on either sides, you are not obliged to date someone solely because they are depressed regardless of how far they try guilting you into it. People who do this are obviously playing on your softer side to their advantage.
can confirm: do not get into relationships because they are sad
Good post @Synatec Probably one of the better posts I've read on this forum for a couple of years.

Depression is nothing to joke about, but unfortunately, a lot of people do. And even more, people have a hard time understanding it. From my own experience, a lot of people are unsure how to deal with it.
Untreated depression is very dangerous. But the very hard step to talk to a doctor is definitely worth it.

Unfortunately here in Sweden at least the common trend is the give patients medication and then send them on their way. This is not the way to help. Medicine can absolutely be a part of it, but regular sessions are required. Sessions with a professional might not even be required, if you have someone else you can talk to. Sometimes, it can be much easier to talk to a family member or even a friend. Another very important step is to keep talking sessions up, depression doesn't just go away.

I am unsure how it works in other countries, but here in Sweden you can together with your doctor plan to slowly stop using antidepressants. Depending on the dosage, it could be very dangerous to just stop out of the blue. A lot of the antidepressants make you addicted to them, which can turn for the worst if you just stop.

In general, if you are going to start with antidepressants, consult with at least two doctors. And make sure you read the warning labels! Honestly, this is something everyone should do before starting to use any kind of medication that you are supposed to take for a long time.

When I was around 13, doctors after a long investigation noticed that my metabolism was not like it should. meaning I had a hard time gaining weight and resulted in me being very very tired. I was told to start taking pills, so I did. What the doctor did not say was that there was a very slight chance of you getting depressed while eating this kind of pill. I then received antidepressants, to counter the effect of my metabolism pills. Which just caused even more issues. I went into a very deep depression, which took several years to get out of.
When I turned 17, I for some reason thought I knew better than everyone else. Stopped eating my pills, did not tell anyone about this, and as expected this resulted in some very bad things.

If anyone in this community is depressed, find someone to talk to. And see a doctor. Follow the advice I have given above. If you are under the age of 18 it's much easier to get help fast, in Sweden at least. So start early!
As I'm 23, I would not be able to attend regular sessions with a doctor, nor would I get very good follow up if I used the public health system.
Therefore I have resorted to paying an insane amount of money to use private health care.

Even if it's hard to talk about your feelings and issues, it's definitely worth it. The pain of opening yourself up is much less than the pain of hitting rock bottom.
As someone who struggled with severe depression I strongly encourage people to actually reach out to people you know who you might be worried about and try and reach out to them and be a mate. Don't have to throw yourself down the rabbit hole when it comes to dealing with their life issues but keep an eye out for them and try talking to them every once in awhile. A little goes a long way.

Cautionary tale from experience: NEVER Put yourself in a relationship you would feel uncomfortable with when it comes to mental health issues on either sides, you are not obliged to date someone solely because they are depressed regardless of how far they try guilting you into it. People who do this are obviously playing on your softer side to their advantage.
This is a very common thing, that people start or stay in relationships because the other part is depressed and think a relationship will fix their issues.
My belief is that an already existing relationship, where you can actually talk about feelings it could help. But you still need to see a doctor.

But if you are starting a relationship or staying in a relationship where you are not THAT close, where you can not speak about anything with each other. Then the best thing is probably to take a break, while the other part is getting help. Either you could make it worse, or you could yourself start becoming depressed.
Honestly, I never really talked to people after mum died. I'd just bottle it up and let it sit there which led to further issues, I'd fall behind at school, not sleep properly (still never do) and I even had bad mood swings.

The only person I properly talked to was my bereavement Councillor, but I'd still find a way to make myself feel like shit. I'd forget about homework, chores I had to do etc.

I ended up falling a sleep in a science exam and my dad was not happy. Teachers rarely knew what was going on, the only information they had was
My mum had died

That is all I had, 2 weeks after my mum died, 2 pricks broke into my house and stole money, my mums jewellery and other precious things.

This was all 3 years ago when I was in Year 7, I'm in Year 11 now and taking GCSEs in the summer, and even that bothers me.

Something that didn't help was some people, who I won't name, took it like a pinch of salt and took the mick on purpose, not a joke, it'd be people from this community and people at my school.

The true person who really helped me the day my mum died, and afterwards, was @Henk , he kept me talking and really helped.
It's great to hear that you found someone to talk to! It's one of the most important things, keeping all the feelings inside of you is dangerous.

If community members are causing issues in these regards, feel free to PM me. There is no place for people like that here.
I think a whole lot of us can relate to this stuff, I'm pretty much in a very broken family with a dad that was abusive to me, left me at the age of ten.. a narcissistic brother, a sad mom n' all that.

I've been depressed for a very long ass time, but that was mostly because of being heartbroken when I met the love of my life, we dated for 9 months and seriously, he was the best, but in the end, you'll always have to tell yourself that stuff happens for a reason and that the person you were dating or have been with, was in the end, not the one that was made for you.

All this happened 4 years ago and I've finally been able to let go just a month or two back after I decided to talk to him about how I felt, and, communication is the best medicine for depression in my eyes. If you can't talk about your feelings and you bottle it up, it'll only get worse and worse. So, if you do ever feel sad, please talk about it, it doesn't need to necessarily be your mom or your dad, cause that can be very awkward and scary. It can be someone you really trust or like over the internet, and that's already a step in the right direction.

If you need anyone to speak to about anything, DM me or add me on Steam, I'd love to listen to you.

Also, if you're from the Netherlands, what I figured out is, if you want to talk to a psychologist your healthcare will cover it, at least, that's what I heard. I have Menzis. I haven't taken too much time into researching it though, I just heard that from my ex.
Honestly, I never really talked to people after mum died. I'd just bottle it up and let it sit there which led to further issues, I'd fall behind at school, not sleep properly (still never do) and I even had bad mood swings.

The only person I properly talked to was my bereavement Councillor, but I'd still find a way to make myself feel like shit. I'd forget about homework, chores I had to do etc.

I ended up falling a sleep in a science exam and my dad was not happy. Teachers rarely knew what was going on, the only information they had was
My mum had died

That is all I had, 2 weeks after my mum died, 2 pricks broke into my house and stole money, my mums jewellery and other precious things.

This was all 3 years ago when I was in Year 7, I'm in Year 11 now and taking GCSEs in the summer, and even that bothers me.

Something that didn't help was some people, who I won't name, took it like a pinch of salt and took the mick on purpose, not a joke, it'd be people from this community and people at my school.

The true person who really helped me the day my mum died, and afterwards, was @Henk , he kept me talking and really helped.
I'm sorry you had to go through that. Also for all the people making jokes or bringing it up as a insult, seriously rethink yourself if you're going to be a low life prick on the internet.
Most people don't know that i suffer with Mental health issues i have been diagnosed with PTSD due to my childhood and I get bullied a fuck load at school
It got really severe at some points when this kid egged my house and kept threatening me i had troubles sleeping at night even squirrels moving outside would freak me out and I would go outside to check ready to find him then i had support from a professional over the summer holidays this year helped for a bit i got a job in a coin shop it was my dream and she helped with my self confidence but it got really bad when i came back with racism and then i managed to talk to a youth engagement officer and was so close to chucking the books at the kid that threw massive rocks at me while yelling racial slurs but i decided not. its good to see perp taking Mental health seriously thanks also thanks to Flugs for taking my mental health issues such as being hyper and getting angry as fuck into concideration when dealing with situations
I get bullied a lot by my discord friends, they keep calling me a band kid but i keep telling them i am not, does anyone know an actual way to convince them i am not a band kid, its making me kinda sad they keep calling me it.
@Aquaa :(
just tell them to fuck off and if they keep being cunts block them
I'm not the type of guy who'd talk about this type of thing publicly - or even privately, but I'd like to add something as I've seen a few things about joking about depression etc and I'd like to give my input on this.

I personally truly believe to joke about something is to better understand and to destigmatise something, but there is a difference to joking about something and making fun of something, a clarification that is very important in this case. Joking about something can often be a way for people to talk about something - without actually talking about it, and can be a form of "therapy" for many. Saying that Depression is something that must never be joked about, I feel adds to the stigma around it.

This is of course not to say that depression is a laughable subject, it isn't - but I think there's a distinction between joking about a subject with friends to help each other better understand something and come to terms with it through comedy than making fun of people MHI's.
Most people don't know that i suffer with Mental health issues i have been diagnosed with PTSD due to my childhood and I get bullied a fuck load at school
It got really severe at some points when this kid egged my house and kept threatening me i had troubles sleeping at night even squirrels moving outside would freak me out and I would go outside to check ready to find him then i had support from a professional over the summer holidays this year helped for a bit i got a job in a coin shop it was my dream and she helped with my self confidence but it got really bad when i came back with racism and then i managed to talk to a youth engagement officer and was so close to chucking the books at the kid that threw massive rocks at me while yelling racial slurs but i decided not. its good to see perp taking Mental health seriously thanks also thanks to Flugs for taking my mental health issues such as being hyper and getting angry as fuck into concideration when dealing with situations
Also thanks for having a thread here I don't normally open up about this type of shit because social services are a bunch of cunts who think they can fix everything by waving a ''magic'' wand but actually just divide family's
Most people don't know that i suffer with Mental health issues i have been diagnosed with PTSD due to my childhood and I get bullied a fuck load at school
It got really severe at some points when this kid egged my house and kept threatening me i had troubles sleeping at night even squirrels moving outside would freak me out and I would go outside to check ready to find him then i had support from a professional over the summer holidays this year helped for a bit i got a job in a coin shop it was my dream and she helped with my self confidence but it got really bad when i came back with racism and then i managed to talk to a youth engagement officer and was so close to chucking the books at the kid that threw massive rocks at me while yelling racial slurs but i decided not. its good to see perp taking Mental health seriously thanks also thanks to Flugs for taking my mental health issues such as being hyper and getting angry as fuck into concideration when dealing with situations
Lots of people have things going on but most people don't have the courage to say anything about it, glad that you were brave enough to open up to me so you could be dealt with more fairly. I hope everything gets better over time mate.
For anyone suffering with mental health issues or just wanna talk here is a discord for you to go to you can talk to people and get help from community members
they have saved my life literally i use to be in a really dark place and somehow i found this place please if your struggling and don't wanna talk to a professional who writes it all down and shit go these lads but if your suicidal go to a Professional
I'm not the type of guy who'd talk about this type of thing publicly - or even privately, but I'd like to add something as I've seen a few things about joking about depression etc and I'd like to give my input on this.

I personally truly believe to joke about something is to better understand and to destigmatise something, but there is a difference to joking about something and making fun of something, a clarification that is very important in this case. Joking about something can often be a way for people to talk about something - without actually talking about it, and can be a form of "therapy" for many. Saying that Depression is something that must never be joked about, I feel adds to the stigma around it.

This is of course not to say that depression is a laughable subject, it isn't - but I think there's a distinction between joking about a subject with friends to help each other better understand something and come to terms with it through comedy than making fun of people MHI's.
For many people it's also a coping mechanism, glad you mentioned that, there will always be people who are insensitive but on the other side of the spectrum you have the people who like to joke about it in order to make it lighter for themselves and not as much of a burden.

When we laugh at things we no longer take them seriously, and for many people it's the best way to deal with mental health issues and not let them manifest themselves into something that can be more threatening.