The Morrissey Family

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United Kingdom
Hello. We are the Morrissey Family.

About us:

The Morrissey family is a group of well hard chavs from the rock ard village of Nottingham. We are ruthless for spittin' bars and making your nan jokes. Originally started in 2000 by an un-named man named "dad", the family has since grown from the inside to become one of Nottinghams biggest and best. Because of the "inside growing", one of the best known features of the morrissey family is there abnormally big foreheads and ugly facial features, along with wearing mostly tattered sweatervests and jogging bottoms (if they want to look ard' like rocks innit).

Here is a lovely picture of the most recognisable image of the family:

Family Roles:
The Morrissey family is run like a big happy family, you have a Mr and Mrs Morrissey who are your parents. You also will have brothers and sisters. And some appropriate siblings as the family expands.

Mr Morrissey: Nade Morrissey
Mrs Morrissey: Suzzanne Morrissey
Uncle: None
Not so smart guy: Hidden
Hot puddings: Hidden

You mess with the Morrisseys? Will take you to our trailer and fuck you up.


Humphrey Smithson


Reekz MB (Rekt them)

All enemies will be dealt with accordingly.

Note to all members: Housing facilities will be only hosted in hick town, we cannot afford any other residences now.

"I just had a gigantic poo"- The dad.
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Tonight in the Morrissey Family

Tonight, as the city died down for the night there was a shining light in the forest. What was it you ask?
Boyz, it was Mrs Morrisseys Tree house!
It was amazing, but was not safe. The police did not approve, so she had to get a shotgun to defend her land. She shouted such phrases as "yo yeah slide the bifter im gonna rape your little sister." at the police. This did not end well for her.
At the age of only 5 minutes old, the treehouse sadly was destroyed. Suzzane was very unlucky, and had found that a chair she had borrowed off a prick called "bobbie ross" had actually had super glue put to the bottom of the chair. She could not move when she sat on the chair, and as the cops tried to frantically help her she cried as her beloved tree house turned to dust.
We have a rare picture of the treehouse that she took:


Its a very sad night.

Reminisce on this song, peace out loves.
Today in the Morrissey Family
Today, the inbreeding was successful and we had quite a few new members. I welcome them all to the family.
We also have a new mascot, named "Little C"
Here is him in action. The best of Nottingham is here:

Love you.

Today in the Morrissey Family
Today is a really sad day unfortunately, our leader Suzzanne was arrested for a couple of weeks. The boys tried to break her out, but that shit didnt work they ended up havin' to run away to the streetz. She was arrested and found to have 10 barrels of meth on her, one which had been consumed. She was also found with two dead bodies, which both had been rumoured to have had an isis-style execution.


A "leaked image" from the scene

*Please note this picture has no association with the family and we don't not condone/endorse such actions.*

The Temporary owner of the organisation is Mr morrissey (Nade Morrissey) and all organisation activities will be held by him. Respect him while he has the power.

In other news, Humphrey Smithson has sorted out the beef with the family after some "activities" and now will become an ally.

Today with the Morrissey Family.

Today like others has been a quiet one, since it is "Doll" day everyone is at job centre making them bare moneys.

In other news, there was recently a funeral held for Mrs Morrissey as she will be away from the Family for some weeks, Little C even shed a small tear during the event.
After the funeral, we decided to get vexed and grow some Dandelions, we even managed to capture a sneak peak at the operation;​

*Please note that all of the footage taken was in no way linked to the ard' family or its members in any way.*

Also, we have managed to secure a good bit of land within Hicktown thanks to an "un-named god", and will be Growing mass amounts of Daises in recent days so we can get baked off our tits. Of course, this will be legally after we have paid the rozzers the money they need to leave us alone.
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Reekz MB has announced a war with you , reason is been told by fellow members you have decided to mug them. Prepare for us boy , because we ain't stopping until you dead.​

this organisation is declared illegal by paralake crime agency
photo credit: @DwarfBitch
Please do not post these false remarks on our organisation page. We Do not know the occupants inside said building have have no association with this illegal activity.
That said, we had pictures leaked by a source close to the organisation of what happend, and are investigating.​
Thats it, you crossed the line.

I hope you're ready for war, because we are.
We asked our lawyer dads to get a small loan of a million dollars, and we were successfull. Get ready for the Jewlinskys, we are coming.

We are now in WAR, with the Morrigay family.

Father (Viktor Jewlinsky) said if you hurt us we will report you to the police, dad is a lawyer dude.
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Today, the Morrisseys are officially disbanding. The organisation hasn't really gone how i envisioned it, and just sucks ass.

hey guys just letting u know applications are still open :)

just kidding i need the STINKIN STAFF TEAM to reopen my application thread thread! I've been waiting years!
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