The thread everyone was waiting for.

Upon your return in the community please don't disrespect the staff team or be rather mad at me and put an angry voice on when I'm no enemy I'm trying to resolve why you was mad.

Anyhow down to the point, I didn't do anything to Daymon because his a moderator its your decision whether you wanted to take it to a senior administrator yet you came on TS3 and slated Moderators and fellow staff members.

See you soon.
For that one, two people reading this im leaving this community for a while for personal reasons

Don't see the point in this topic... everyone that post these always returns no matter what. Looking for attention maybe ? Not trying to be rude but if you really have the intention to leave then do so.
If you ever come back :booty: then you have to honestly be more calm and chill. Rather then exploding and having an outbreak try and laugh about it and keep on RPing. Also the major reason why some players don't like you me included is that you're way to disrespectful both OOC and IC. If you can sort out those things then more players will feel comfortable around you and think that they can trust you. IF you don't fix these issues then you're just gonna be in for a hell of a bad time.
:( come on Frank...

You are an awesome guy and its a real shame to hear that your leaving, I know you got an an and it was only a few days. However I respect that you have to leave due to personal reasons and I hope to see you return one day.

I will never forget that bank robbery :)
Well, this was kind of a pointless thread considering he already came back seems a bit of a seek for attention. He had everyone feeling sorry for you and begging you to come back. I feel sorry for all the people who took their time to post and say how much you mean to the community and yet you did this so people would feel bad for you. So what's the best idea? try and feel sorry for yourself? and bring everyone down in the community with you just because YOU feel shit. I'm sorry but things like this really set me off. It's like dealing with an attention seeking teenage girl on Facebook. Just the name of this post pisses me off.

Anyways welcome back I guess, not that you left really anyways.
Harry has a very correct point,
If you're going to leave the community just do it because this is your second one now and you have come back again.
When you leave a community you never come back again or take a long break
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