- Messages
- 51
- Reaction score
- 9
- Points
- 170

Welcome to the biggest and largest guide ever produced by Paralake's municipal government. In this guide you will learn everything you need to do about the police force and how to effectively serve in all departments and positions from within our police force aswell as learning a little about your big brothers, The SWAT team.
1) Situations
1.1) Shootout
1.2) Bank Robbery
1.3) Traffic Stop
1.4) Foot Pursuit
1.5) Car Chase
1.6) Drug Deal
1.7) Investigation
1.8) Dead Body Discovery
1.9) Home Invasion
1.10) City Lockdown
1.11) Police Raid
In this section we will cover all of the situation that an officer could expect to encounter throughout his typical day working for the PLPD.
1.1) A shootout is a very rare event within the peaceful city of Paralake but every officer needs to be prepared for when one will come around. A shootout can start from anywhere and is started whenever a criminal and a police officer begin to exchange gunfire for whatever reason, mostly started by a criminal in a desperate attempt to escape the arms of justice. When you get into one you should immediately seek cover and call for backup and SWAT, try to remain calm and give your location over the radio and make sure to tell them to get there fast. Stay in cover until backup arrives, especially if there is multiple suspects.

1.2) A bank robbery is another very rare event in Paralake City that we must be prepared for. Whenever a bank robbery happens the manager will trigger the panic alarm that is connected to the police station. When you arrive on scene the suspects will must likely be in the bank vault attempting to steal the cash from the vault. SWAT will also respond straight away to the call. As a regular police officer all you have to do is lock the bank down and wait for your chiefs orders. Put up some barriers around the banks and make sure to watch the back exit of the bank so that the suspects don't make a run for it but don't just charge in, unless you want to end up in a body bag. If you do need to rush the bank then let the SWAT go first and just try to stay out of the way and provide covering fire for the officers. If it is possible to do it safely try to figure out how many people you have in the bank and what weapons they have so you can effectively access the risk.

1.3) A traffic stop will generally be done by a professional traffic officer driving the high speed police car. However sometimes you as just a general police officer will need to make traffic stops. First, before you attempt to pull the car over, radio in to dispatch the details of the car, why you are pulling it over and where you are then put your lights and sirens on and follow behind the car. If the car doesn't pull over after a few meters then try to shout out of your car to the driver as he may believe you are just trying to pass him. Once he has stopped simply get out your car and discuss the situation with the driver, If he is respectful and understands his mistake than you can let him off with a warning but record his name and details if he does something wrong again.

1.4) A foot pursuit begins whenever I wanted suspect attempts to evade a police officer by running away on foot. You should radio into dispatch and explain the situation to them and try to remain in pursuit of the suspect. Try to chase him into a corner or try to get another officer to hide around a corner and grab him as he runs past. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU EVER SHOT THE SUSPECT IN HIS LEGS IN AN ATTEMPT TO CATCH HIM UNLESS HE POSES A THREAT TO YOU, YOUR FELLOW OFFICER OR A CIVILIANS LIFE.

1.5) A car chase can start whenever a person in a car attempts to evade the law by fleeing in one while being chased by a pursuing officer in his own car. During a chase you will want to radio into dispatch and give them details on the car and it's location and possibly even a driver description if you can see him. If there is one out call in for a high speed car and try to keep up your communication on locations. Also try to come up with tactical position to set up roadblocks with your fellow officers to stop the car. Try to avoid ramming the car off-road unless he is posing a threat to officers by ramming their cars. DO NOT SHOOT AT THE CAR UNLESS YOUR OWN LIFE IS AT RISK e.g: He was trying to run you or another officer over. Once you have him stopped aim your gun at him to prevent a foot chase get him on the ground a handcuff him.

1.6) ​A drug deal is generally done between a drug dealer and a drug user in a secluded area were very little people go to. The deal may also happen between a supplier and a dealer too. When you get called to a drug deal approach the situation with caution and with several backup officers as dealers are usually armed with fairly powerful weapons. Remember to arrest both of the suspects and confiscate the drugs, you should also take them to the interrogation room and look into the extent of the drug habits. Once you have a good idea of the situation you will be able to hand to down an effective punishment.

1.7) An investigation is whenever you are looking into a crime after it has happened to find a suspect or additional details. When you have decided to commit to a major investigation you are best to contact your lieutenant and have him assist you in it. Use all the tools to your disposal and do things like, interrogate suspects, question witnesses, take notes on your phone and any other tolls that you may need to use. (OOC Tip: Remember that you can RP all kinds on police tools within reason, Breathalyzer, Finger prints, Licence Plates and other tools that the police use IRL.)

Not finished Yet! Still alot more to be added, A whole lot more but give me some suggestions for things that should be added!