TheOriginal_J - Recommendation

Reaction score
@TheOriginal_J demonstrated great professionalism whilst performing his duties as a member of the tactical firearms unit division, I know it can be a major hassle for Officers to continue roleplay in its entirety especially in highly stressful situations but this man kept his cool and took up leadership when it was required. The creative thinking of Jack not only surprised me but also managed to keep me alive whilst confusing the players trying to kill me at the time leaving some bewildered as to how I managed to carry out my duties whilst supposedly hiding.

It's a rare thing to see such excellent communication skills being utilised to create an opportunity, and Jack did this wonderfully, and I'm sure many can appreciate when situations like this occur within game when the outcome of such actions ends up being tremendously rewarding. When players show this kind of initiative whilst remaining within the boundaries of both the rules and laws they govern, I have to show my praise and respect.

Well Done Jack.

- Testa