Thomas George / tomhillm8

  • Thread starter Thread starter Garrett Woodfield
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Garrett Woodfield

Your Steam/In-game Name: Garrett Woodfield / Alex
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Thomas George / Tomhillm8
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35126079
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The user broke 3.4 multiple times by ignoring commands such as get down on the ground at the gas station. Then when we took him to the docks, he decided to jump into the waterr while 6 guys with assault riffles / shotguns or a pistol were there, he ended up dead.
Evidence (Demo Required):!LAAliSRT!UCe6VexBoV3hV1en0qyQTjO7N98dixZ6z5Ez22janqY
I'm going to have to -support this, because Thomas obeyed all of your commands whilst under gunpoint, and attempted to escape when most of your group looked on the floor at the drugs Thomas had dropped, so was no longer under gunpoint. He actually turned around and came back when he realized that he couldn't escape, so I really don't see how he broke 3.4, also I've got to say you brought OOC into IC a lot when you started shouting about how he was breaking the rules.
And I will + Support, since Thomas has disobeyed 3.4 several times. The one time you see it and it does not happen is just a co-incidence... Driving Off under gunpoint, Running off under gun point, Running off under gun point followed by shooting back, Etc. This truly was a Horrible RP experience caused by constant rule-breaks and attempts for them.
-Support It is not possible to fire a gun underwater. The bullet would loose it's velocity Rapidly and spin out of control, the water stopping it fast before it could even hit you. This is because there is no ear to help the combustion of the bullets casing. This would of allowed Thomas to run. and in the video everyone did have there attention to the drugs. You should look at your demo before posting a BR.
Please close this, i didn't know you could run just because we looked away, causes we were still around 6 people with guns, didn't know sorry.
Even If Thomas doesnt get banned,You have lost all OOC respect from me. You dont just run away when there are 6 people with guns, Its pruly stupid. Also, There was an Attempt to catch him before, which resulted in thoams driving away under gunpoint. GG
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