TinyCalc - A Complete Crafting Calculator.

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United Kingdom
I've been sitting on a crafting data set for a few months. This week I got bored decided to convert it into a calculator. Code is written using only jQuery and Bootstrap. Data is generated with Python.

Key features:
  • The data comes directly from the server, so should be accurate
  • Everything is done in JavaScript, meaning it is extremely fast, as it is all client side
  • Flexible lists to keep track of what you need to buy and what you need to craft
  • You can save lists for future list
  • Fast searching of the entire item database
  • Pop-up of item information
  • Less than 200kb total size
  • Filter by firearms level
I've spent less than a week on this, so please let me know if you have any ideas for improvements, or find any bugs.

I hope you enjoy using it.
Future Plans:
  • More detailed instructions.
  • Attachment to gun relationships shown
  • Filter by firearms level
  • Increased speed when holding down buttons
  • Improve sorting logic
  • Add material count and weights
  • Make it so you can buy all items, so planters can be vaulated.
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thank you for reviving perp
PERP is saved
thank you our lord and saviour
Hello pleese pay ur ISP three doller to unlok this website.

Nah but this is fucking awesome tiny, it's even somewhat usable on mobile. me love you long time
Make click & holding a button slowly increase in speed at which you "purchase" items in the basket & crafting area
Good job man. Better than the olsen calculator. Easier to use and more informative.

Edit: sorry for the bad spelling. Im writing this through my Ipad. Fixed now.
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doesn't really work properly sadly :ccccc lost so much money to wrong amounts of materials

btw thanks for the next update:

* but no seriously, this seems like a great replacement to phcalc since its whitelisted. works amazingly and is very informative :lul: