Tom Henderson | Carbombing Incident

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United Kingdom, Devon
Your Steam/In-game Name: Husky / James Husky - Glacial_Subzero// Victoria Gonzales
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Tom Henderson / MoonTheGoon
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:79587560
Why Should This Player Be Punished: It started when he found it necessary to trespass in order for cops to raid us, we caught him taking pictures of our drugs and showing them to the police. McLaren P1.
Evidence (Demo Required):
(Carbomb going off) (Proof it was him)

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Right, i'm gonna go ahead and give partly my reason for car bombing @Glacial_Subzero and part of the reason i tried to prevent it happening and regretted it after placing the bomb.

So it all started when i witnessed one of william's and co's member's (@Husky ) saying their going to target me and my org and was saying things quite threateningly. I went to their base and obviously did a bit of shit talking as you do, and they kept on calling the cops so i went into their back garden because i could see a crack in their fence and took pictures of their drugs and then was going to make threats with them to show the police, however things didn't go to plan when Victoria and her friends jumped off the balcony which was a bit unrealistic in my opinion to confront me (all armed with big rifles) when they saw cops they shot them and began to gun point me, i dropped everything i had on me and then after a while they let me go. I attempted to go back to my car when i realized that one of Vic's org member's or Vic, has literally wall-banged exactly where my car was as an attempt to play it off as if it was an accident but by the spray pattern in the wall you could see it wasn't (It's a 25k repair). So of course i was mad and wanted to get back at the ring leader (@Glacial_Subzero ) however her org is constantly around her of course after i kill 2 their's gonna be like 5 of them that gun me down. So i decided to use a car bomb, this wasn't to make her pay out loads of money repairing it however it was purely to kill her however, @Husky decided to be stupid and get blown up for her.


After i had placed the car bomb i was thinking about the situation for a good 10 minutes and if i had broken any rules and realized it could be seen as 2.5. I took it upon my self to try and stop her from doing so as i was not thinking when doing it before hand however, they chose to ignore this and seem like they just wanted to do it for the fun as they were laughing the whole time.

Then on to the bit when he was standing their i attempted to give him 35k for repairs that he wouldn't take, even though i was trying to fix my wrong doings? What can i do if i mess up and even tell them that i messed up before i messed up and they continue to do it.

I was up until 2:45am in the morning talking to him trying to apologize and trying to fix my wrong doing's. It was a poor judgement from me and i didn't look on the full perspective before planting the bomb.

I would like to say another sorry to @Glacial_Subzero .
Other people's opinions -

As walker said i think he got in the car and ignored just for the point of making the AR and trying to get me banned.
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