Tomas Costello

Reaction score
Lewis's Vodka bottle
I would like to take this time to reccomend Tomas Costello for Sergeant, I understand the Sergeant slots are technically full at the moment, this may mean he won't get it yet but in the future I think it's imminent. Tomas Costello is a very nice guy, always up for anything, taking into account he is my personal friend I would like that to be discontinued from this reccomendation as this is not why I'm reccomending him, Tomas introduced me to the server and straight away helped me get started, lent me money, helped me when I haven't understanded certain rules or laws, has a good sense of humour and takes the role play side of things very seriously, have had some of my best memories on perp with Tomas, he is very active on the server and also the TS server, I love patrolling with him as I get a thrill being with him as even if it's not a major crime he still takes it seriously as I do and maybe not all officers do, always has respect for new players and officers, always offering a helping hand to a lower/untangled officer if needed and I 100% want to see him gain promotion in the future! If you feel like you agree with me please support this and give it a like! @ijokerxo