Traditional Events - 18/08/2022

Reaction score

Sorry about events taking place during the week but currently with our population on weekends it would make the server too laggy. They will be taking place on 18/08/2022 (Upcoming Thursday) and will take place at 16:00 GMT+1!


Battle Royale

A free for all event where you must kill or be killed in an enclosed space with the goal to be the last person alive. It will be hosted in forest.

Winner: @Al Capone

Prize: Forum trophy and $50,000


Beach Derby

Ram each other off a platform in mini coopers. Every so often a platform drops.

Winner: @avirex24

Prize: Forum Trophy and $25,000


Raid event.

Successfully raid and defend a property over multiple rounds. Winner is the best of how many rounds there are.

Winner: Red team
Prize: Forum Trophy


Good luck, see you all there! Remember, 16:00 GMT+1! Cya there!​