Traffic Lights for Traffic Officers

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Topic: Adding proper, working Traffic lights that can be placed down.

Short explanation (in notes):
- A working pair of traffic lights
- Can use models from this:
- Light would be opposite to other (eg: Light 1 = Red then Light 2 = Green)

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
It would make police roadblocks and closures less dangerous and cause less car crashes.



Optional additions:

Definitely add this I have come across so many situations where I need one of them temporary traffic light things, for example at checkpoints and that.
This is by far the best suggestion so far. @The HitMan and I were patrolling and had to do a traffic diversion, which had to cross over into a single lane. Cars were constantly crashing into each other making it a nightmare
I like the idea over all but would people actually use them? Especially after they find out it is a hassle to set up for only a temporary amount of time?
Would citizens actually abide by the traffic laws once confronting one of these? Most citizens do not stop on traffic lights on the majority of times which could potentially cause havoc.
It could be complicated when setting one of these up like your diagram and what if police officers overuse these becoming an irritating issue especially on the motorway where traffic can build up.
There's already been good reasons to accept this, I have also been in Loads of situation where I could have used this in a great roleplay situation. I love keeping Roleplaying situations fun and realistic while roleplaying, especially when being a Cop. So using those kinds of 'Lights' can be great fun and could make great situations, So im going to +Support this.
I would love something like that so that we can do some proper RP situations instead of the fatty barricades, as far as I know this was actually something some people had in mind of doing where some accidents could get roleplayed in a much better way then they are now, I have to be honest if this gets accepted and put into the server I believe it's going to ease out some peoples RP in situations and make the server much more serious than it is now, you might wonder; uhh why would this even help? Well it would be more telling for citizens what to do and when to turn, you could also do some nice traffic stops, I for sure know that I try to RP in a more serious way when someone pulls me over in a fatty serious way.

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