Training Arena

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Topic: A Training Arena for Leo's and Swat (mainly Swat)

Short explanation
(in notes):
- A place to practice on your accuracy
- A place where you can make your own tactics
- A place where you can be ready for raids ect

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
When you are a Swat officer you get bored just waiting for panics raids ect., and when something happens you go there not knowing what your doing and barely win. Well how about a training arena where Swat officers and Leo's can practice on their raids. Most Swat officers just stay idle, watch a video ect, and when a staff comes to check on them they immediately start playing. Well now they can practice on raiding and shooting other than standing still and doing nothing. I don't know if you have noticed but every swat officer just blows up the door throws a flash and goes in trying to kill all the suspect's thinking he's Rambo, well now that can stop and they can finally win a raid without any innocents dead. This can also change their accuracy and make it better. Not only them but also the Leo's. (Edited) A lot of people said this has been suggested last week and it got denied. This is not a shooting range. A few weeks ago me and some Swat officers were practicing on the jail pretending it was a room getting raided and we would make tactics and name them names like Red strike 1 ect. This is not just a shooting range as I said you can make a room and practice at raiding it.

Optional additions:
- Make it a room away from the public so that no one reports shots fired.
- Make the bodies like the ones at farm for accuracy.
- One additional room where you can pretend its the room that is getting raided.

Im pretty sure this will either get denied or go to the Too excessive box but imagine it getting added how cool will that be? It wont hurt to try. Keep in mind that the Shooting Range thread was denied because (as stated) ''Swat is involved in a lot more than shooting''. I think they mean that swat is also involved in raiding which is why I created this thread/idea in the first place
Topic: A Training Arena for Leo's and Swat (mainly Swat)

Short explanation
(in notes):
- A place to practice on your accuracy
- A place where you can make your own tactics
- A place where you can be ready for raids ect

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
When you are a Swat officer you get bored just waiting for panics raids ect., and when something happens you go there not knowing what your doing and barely win. Well how about a training arena where Swat officers and Leo's can practice on their raids. Most Swat officers just stay idle, watch a video ect, and when a staff comes to check on them they immediately start playing. Well now they can practice on raiding and shooting other than standing still and doing nothing. I don't know if you have noticed but every swat officer just blows up the door throws a flash and goes in trying to kill all the suspect's thinking he's Rambo, well now that can stop and they can finally win a raid without any innocents dead. This can also change their accuracy and make it better. Not only them but also the Leo's. (Edited) A lot of people said this has been suggested last week and it got denied. This is not a shooting range. A few weeks ago me and some Swat officers were practicing on the jail pretending it was a room getting raided and we would make tactics and name them names like Red strike 1 ect. This is not just a shooting range as I said you can make a room and practice at raiding it.

Optional additions:
- Make it a room away from the public so that no one reports shots fired.
- Make the bodies like the ones at farm for accuracy.
- One additional room where you can pretend its the room that is getting raided.

Im pretty sure this will either get denied or go to the Too excessive box but imagine it getting added how cool will that be? It wont hurt to try.
This is going to get a lot of dumb raitings isn't it? @StephenPuffs
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"(...) SWAT officers are already trained, under no circumstances may they train around the map (...)".
As you said you want an area where they can train, this wouldn't be possible.
"(...) SWAT officers are already trained, under no circumstances may they train around the map (...)".
Swat officers are never trained all they know is they need a sniper to snipe far away (no offence) and im one of them, but after we practiced I felt like we could never lose. And no Swat officers are not allowed to do this anywhere and are told to always stay at PD.
Swat officers are never trained all they know is they need a sniper to snipe far away (no offence) and im one of them, but after we practiced I felt like we could never lose. And no Swat officers are not allowed to do this anywhere and are told to always stay at PD.
That is a rule that can be easily removed or edited if they add a training arena I can already see it '' Swat officers may train at the training arena if they do not feel ready, but should be prepared for any type of panic.
If you wish to practice on your SWAT training, do it as a civilian. Inside the farm house for example, nothing wrong with that. As of rule 4.5 LEO and SWAT are not permitted to train due to it not being realistic for them to train like that when they're on duty. They should be ready to respond to a situation at all times, and they won't be considered to be ready when they're training.
Training has come up alot in the supervsior section but we know that if there is going to be training it may have to be an event or on another server this will break rp for the amount of shots fired reported.

There is another way to improve the police once this poll is finished I may bring a few ideas I was giving the supervisors to public view. Also by what I am reading here you could train in single player or Arma 3.
If you wish to practice on your SWAT training, do it as a civilian. Inside the farm house for example, nothing wrong with that. As of rule 4.5 LEO and SWAT are not permitted to train due to it not being realistic for them to train like that when they're on duty. They should be ready to respond to a situation at all times, and they won't be considered to be ready when they're training.

As I said this is not a shooting range. They need a room to train in and act like it's being raided. The farm only has shooting range. I don't think it's a problem if they were training and a panic went off. Another thing I said was Swat should be prepared for any kind of panic at all times.

Something alike is underway in connection with the whitelist, as well as this not being allowed at the current moment of time.
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