Unofficial CS:GO Tournament (Two Stage)

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Reaction score
IMPORTANT: The aim is to get this going as soon as possible,
so please do not hold off registering a team. It is hoped that we
can begin before September.


Unoffical PH CS:GO Tournament


As we've all been excited for the official tournament for so long, and since school starts again soon for most, I decided that it wouldn't hurt to offer a tournament in the more immediate meantime.

If you have any questions, contact me here.

You can view the tournament tree here:


The Tournament its self will run in two stages, a Group Stage, and a Final Stage.

Group Stage (Double Elimination)
The Group Stage is the first series of matches and is organized by skill; as such, teams will be against teams of a similar skill at this point. It works by double elimination, meaning that there is also a losers bracket, making it become like this:
This is better for the group stage than a single elimination type as 2 winners are sent to the semifinals.

Skill is based on average competitive rank at the time of registration. Each member rank is given a score, added together, and divided by 5.

Final Stage (Single Elimination)
The Final Stage is compromised of semifinal matches following a final.

Match Scheduling
To be determined, will very much rely on negotiation for group stage.

Work in progress, subject to change before tournament start and during tournament.

1 - The Game

- Map Veto.
- Knife match to select side.
- 15 rounds, win by two clear points.
- 35 second bomb timer.
- 2 minute rounds.
- Best of 1 during group stage and round 1 of finals.
- Best of 3 during semifinals and finals.


To be determined.

Team Leader
The person who posts the team is considered to be the team leader. Responsible for scheduling of matches and removing/adding people to the team.

Team Members
The members of a team can vote out the team leader with a majority (I.E. at least 3 players) and then nominate a new one. If a majority can not be reached by nomination, the team is disbanded.

Team Formation/Withdrawal
Teams can't be formed after the tournament begins. Teams may withdraw from the tournament and forfeit their games.

Can members be changed throughout tournament?


1 - Make a steam group, invite your members to it. They must be in the group by the time the tournament starts.

2 - Make an account on This is what we will be using for the tournament tree.

3 - Fill out this form and reply to the thread.

MEMBERS AND RANKS (including you):

member1 | rank
member2 | rank
member3 | rank
member4 | rank
member5 | rank
Use your common sense. We want your MAIN SKILL GROUP, not your smurf account skill group. Anyone found to be cheating with their rank will removed from the tournament and their team disbanded.
If unranked, give last known rank, if never been ranked, you will need to get one.

4 - You will be messaged on here with further instructions.

Thanks for your interest!
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I don't get why people keep making these CSGO tournaments, it's pretty pointless they either don't happen or you just get a squad of DMG's vs Silvers lol.
Feng and I is searching for more members for our team
Feng: LE
Me: LE
hit me up if you're around that
We're also willing to join if you're around the same ranks as us
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Well, im searching for some dank team, maybe I will get some mates..
Im GN4 but I play with MG's and I go pretty good.
@Loejseren @Feng @Frank @Senlin


Unoffical PH CS:GO Tournament

As stated previously, it is hoped that we can get this underway ASAP, and as such I am hoping
to get the first matches going in the week beginning tomorrow.

For this reason, we'll be accepting 2 more teams and need them before we can start.

If you are worried about whether your members are eligible to play please contact me either on steam
or by sending me a message on the forum.

If, for some strange reason, we receive more than 2 interested teams, a waiting list will be formed;
these teams will participate in the tournament if:

- The waiting list reaches 4 members.
- A team backs out.

Prizes remain unconfirmed, but it is highly likely that it will entail PH
items, however as it is a community tournament an important prize is
the merit of winning against your fellow community members.

The provisional deadline for joining the tournament is tonight.


Unoffical PH CS:GO Tournament

The tournament registration is now closed.

If you are still provisionally interested, with or without a team, please
still send me a forum PM as things may change before the tournament
opens. A new thread will be posted soon with further information.

EDIT: Regarding the whole 'not active members of the community'
situation, after discussion with some administrators it has been
decided that -THE MAJORITY- of your team must be considered
to be a standing or active member of the community (i.e. 3 of 5

Group A
ETC - @Misel
de_Goons - @Bolli
Feng Carry - @Loejseren - @Janssoni

Group B
Harpers - @Spadille / @xhantium
Unity - @ZippyJack
WeSuck - @Pusheen
Crêpes - @Creepis
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