Update Log 12/04/2023

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Update Log 12/04/2023

Fire Department Skins, New Ambulance, Warrant Improvements

Todays update includes a range of different changes. Special thanks today goes to @Goonsberg for helping create new Fire Department vehicle skins and @Run Forest Run for helping creating a new Ambulance. Thanks also to @Collier their usual development efforts. (Thanks to @Hayden and @Mallard for testing)

@Muffin brings us a new warrant and remark system. @Fredy and I bring you a pile of random other things.



Fire Department
  • Added new a Landrover Defender that can be spawned by Specialist Firefighters
  • Lowered the requirement to spawn Range Rover to Advanced Firefighters
  • Added the fire hose world model
  • Decreased the amount of smoke that is created by fires (Thanks @Clarky)
Emergency Medical Services
  • New Ambulance
Police Department
  • Added new record types: Stolen Vehicle, Wanted for Questioning, Property Search Warrant
  • Added archived records functionality
  • Added filters for searching outstanding records
  • Added the current time to the Police Computer incidents section (Thanks @Creepis)
  • Added ability for Sergeants to see inside restrained players trunks
  • Added a greater number of callsigns
  • Lowered rank requirements to see properties, vehicles and phone numbers

Other Changes
  • Pressing E on a shop sign allows it to be changed (Thanks @GPGP)
  • For sale items aren't usable 1 second after dropping them with a physgun (Thanks @Sorle)
  • Revolvers and double barrelled shotguns take ammo from the most empty ammo box first (Thanks @curak)
  • Players in jobs can now buy fish
  • Fixed various bugs
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Amazing update, good work guys!
Would love to see on the PD side some new patrol cars as well, like a Ford Taurus and a Ford explorer, which are currently the most used cars in America, the crown vics are getting retired, in most states.
The old ambulance was woefully outdated, loving this new one, as well as the updates for firefighter. One thing I'd like to see for PD though is the ability for senior officers or above to clear stolen vehicle markers, as right now, once a car is marked stolen, even when recovered, there's no way I can see to remove the ANPR hit from it, and you just have to put a remark on the record.
The old ambulance was woefully outdated, loving this new one, as well as the updates for firefighter. One thing I'd like to see for PD though is the ability for senior officers or above to clear stolen vehicle markers, as right now, once a car is marked stolen, even when recovered, there's no way I can see to remove the ANPR hit from it, and you just have to put a remark on the record.
Currently, I believe Corporals and above can archive stolen vehicle records which removes the ANPR marker.
The old ambulance was woefully outdated, loving this new one, as well as the updates for firefighter. One thing I'd like to see for PD though is the ability for senior officers or above to clear stolen vehicle markers, as right now, once a car is marked stolen, even when recovered, there's no way I can see to remove the ANPR hit from it, and you just have to put a remark on the record.
Create Warrant: Sgt/SDisp
Create Remark: SO/Disp
Delete Any: Lt/HDisp
Archive Others Warrants: Lt/HDisp
Archive non-Warrants: Cpl/SDisp
Demote: Sgt/HDisp
See Vehicles: Sgt/SDisp
See Phone: Cpl/PDIsp
See Property: SO/PDisp

I think vehicles might have been dropped too but not too sure