Update Log 06/09/2021

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Update Log 06/09/2021


This update log will cover the main changes that are going live tomorrow, and some extras that are already live.

  • Replaced the existing police barricade items with a SWEP that can be used to spawn many different barricades
  • Added colour picker to unmarked vehicles
  • Added a second unmarked car when there are at least 8 police officers on duty

  • Replaced the stolen police lightbar with the fire departments own lightbar on the Dodge Ram
  • Increased the speed of the Dodge Ram
  • Optimised how fire spreads
  • Increased the size of the fire visual and damage radius
  • Increased the range that the fire axe detects fire, allowing more doors and windows to be broken into
  • Slightly increased the recoil of the G3A3 to increase its alignment to other weapons using the same calibre bullets
  • Removed an error in the bullet penetration calculation for very thick walls

  • Increased the size of items in the delivery application
  • Temporary beer crates and bottles no longer create permanent items
  • Fixed players getting stuck after getting out of chairs in certain situations
  • Fixed doors being locked in Farm Survival and One In The Chamber
  • Fixed intersection traffic lights getting out of sync
  • Fixed shop signs disappearing
  • Fixed the organisation warrant perk
  • Fixed various UI text errors
  • Fixed various other Lua errors
Replaced the existing police barricade items with a SWEP that can be used to spawn many different barricades
I can imagine cops minding their own business, placing cones, then some monkey comes along and starts shooting at him and the cop just starts fortnite building and placing cones down.

For real though, this is so much better than having all of your "other" category completely occupied because of a bunch of cones. It was a major inconvenience.

Good update as always.

Revert workbench permission update though.
In regards to the workbench permission. This is something on my list, it probably needs it’s own permission group or something. If you have any other ideas feel free to make a suggestion :)
Samuel, why do cars have a self righting mechanism, and can it be disabled?
@Exnem Anything is possible. I’m unsure why it was first added, I guess so people wouldn’t have the issue of having to find a way to turn their car up right. If it was turned on it’s side, or up side down? How would one get it standing on its tires again? Make a suggestion if you have good ways
@Samuel Alright, done.
Tell me if you can understand what I mean.
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