Update the newspapers

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First of all, I just wanted to say that I couldn't find anything like this when I searched. If it allready exist, please don't eat me allive.

Topic: Update the newspapers

Short explanation (in notes):
- Let people post stories/pictures on the forums which can be added to the newspapers
- Update the newspapers monthly/sometimes.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Well, I think the idea of the newspaper is really cool. The sad part is that it's kinda useless, especially since it always says the same. Adding stories would make them not so useless and would kinda add to the RP, since people could know what's going on, who to fear, and stuff important stuff that has recently happened, for example a mayor assassination using a car bomb, or a succesful bank heist.

Optional additions:
- Maybe have adverts in the newspapers?
We had a newspaper competition some months ago, it was pretty great.We should have things like these monthly, as it would encourage more people to take part and let them show us their creativity and also earn ingame prices or something similiar (game gifts could also work).Altough, a quick updatable newspaper wouldn't be bad either, selected people could edit them and basically write recent events that have taken part the past 24 "IRL" hours (apply on the forum as a "Journalist" or add a Journalist job, altough a completly new suggestion thread would be needed for this idea)
Really great idea; there should be a whitelisted job for journalist. This way we can be sure only good content is implemented. Perhaps there could be a router whereby, each of the whitelisted journalists can all have a chance to show off their skill.

I think any content that is thought of should be shown to a member of the staff team to make sure it complies with the rules and is actually good. Or possibly, an admin could take up the role of head journalist (To add some RP atmosphere)

Overall, excellent idea, lots of people RP as journalists etc, it would be fun to see an actual job for this. Perhaps, for every newspaper that is bought, taxes are taken from the sale as bonuses to add on to the paycheck for the journalist. Just an idea but that would be excellent to see.

Big + Support
Everything here is something that can add to the game, RP would be so improved if the newspaper would show adverts and maybe even wanted people and articles about police activity! Maybe the Journalist could make money from both his salary and the newspaper sales? That way, his income would be tied to his merit.
I've discussed this with Fredy numerous times, and he's all for allowing users to make newspapers and I totally agree with this. However theres a few drawbacks to this, each month a user would need to be dedicated towards creating and making a new newspaper and to be honest I doubt anyone would actually be capable of doing this over and over again each month.

I do feel it's a good idea and was suggested quite a while ago and the newspaper currently in the server is Turples and was put on as the result of winning a competition by @ind. I also suggested to Fredy a way that people can freely upload newspapers and each month a member of Senior Administration looks at them and gets one put in the server.


As you see in the bottom right, that could be the GUI to upload the newspaper and users can freely upload each month. Requirements can be found using the link in the box.
Another way could be using a simple forum post, and users then reply to the thread with their newspapers each month.
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