Paralake News

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Middle East
Paralake Channel

Short explanation (in notes):
-Paralake Channel will add a lot of new stuff.
-Jobs will be added.
-And a new building for the news!

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Paralake Channel needs to be added because i just bought a newspaper and thee nothing with 20%
tax!No thats not the reason but it is one of them paralake channel will allow people to make interviews, writing in newspapers and a load of amazing stuff that would make the server better. Paralake channel will could be a channel on the tv for people to watch and learn about their deadly city. and writers well writing news. This will also add weather channels!
Optional additions:
-New News Buildings
-Jobs like: Writer, Cameraman, ect.
-New channel car
Just to add to your suggestions:
-New News Buildings:
A building along these lines (should edited to fit/take the same theme as other Paralake buildings).

-New Channel Car:
A news van similar to this would look quite realistic and work well.

Additions such as these (I believe) would look good and help make the server feel more realistic. This would be a good addition to the server.

This thread has my support.


Member of PERPHeads.
I would like this idea if, and only if you need to apply for the jobs via the forum, it would allow for serious news instead of some dark-RP sweater going into peoples faces with a phat camera, instead a group of people in a van can get some good coverage on a police raid.
Hung Chow
I think, when it comes to these types of things, we need to realize that this is just a game and we can't have everything.
S'teamedRevenge, there is already a organization named "Paralake News" which im leading. Big +support,
but i would say there can be more channels, there are like 3 organizations about News. This matches with my suggestion "Cinematic Camera"
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