Using the Speed Camera in the passenger seat

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Topic: Speed Enforcer's speed camera

Short explanation (in notes):
- Add the ability to use the Speed Enforcer's speed camera in the passenger seat

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I think it would be a neat addition to be able to use the speed camera while sitting in the passenger seat of your colleague's car.
I like to become a speed enforcer and check at dangerous points (e.g. Ramp) where people often speed through. Now when I see someone going 70 mph down the ramp, I of course have to ticket him. To do this I have to run all the way to my car, start my car, see while checking where the speeding car is heading. Alternatively I have to run to thr car, warn my colleague while he starts the car amd we drive off.

This will also make it possible to see if people are speeding while you're e.g. In the city where a maximum speed is set.

This will also encourage teaming up with other people.
I don't think this is possible. You can't use any weapons/tools inside a car. Might be possible if it just shows the speed of the car on top of the car. They had that in Hellsgamers Perp
It would be cool if the speed camera was build into the dashboard and only could control the speed of people in front of them but that's a +Support from me
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