Uxenora ban appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: CONSOLE

Your Steam Name: Uxenora
Your In-game Name: Mike McCarther
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30439755

Why were you banned/blacklisted: "Cheating attempt detected"
Why should this appeal be considered: After two years old, my best friend is back on PERP, but me... I'm ban : I will not say that I'm not cheating, because you aren't going to trust me... but that's two years old, my mentality has changed, the Roleplay gamemode is a really, really, really [...] really, really really, important for me, I love that, yes, I can say that : I love that. If you let me come back the server, I promise you that you never, never and never hear to speak to me. Two years old... :'(
Sorry, I'm stressed, because I really want to come back... So I have forgotten the template :(
There is a zero-tolerance policy towards cheaters and hackers. I doubt you will be treated differently than the rest of the people who have appealed for the same thing.
I think his mentality have changed.
I would thinkthat he is a man of trust.
I don't know why after 2 years he would be bad again
I feel that @Uxenora hasn't actually experienced Perpheads and never got to play on the server before he broke the rules. I feel that after two years the user should be given another chance to, "start-over," in the community and given access to the server once more. Best of luck to the outcome of your situation.
Obviously, by the simple forum mistakes he made (not using comment function nor using the right template) he's just a noob that didn't get a chance to play very long before his ban. Two years is more than enough time for him to know that he won't get away with hacking on a server like this. #freemyhomieUxenora
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