Valentines problems

Confess to her. It's free, romantic, and you'll have to stop wondering how she feels about you, depending on her response. It's a win for everyone.
you're 13, trust me you don't need a girlfriend. However if you're really dedicated to winning this girl, just ask her to go for a movie or to do something don't go all extreme and do something massive out of no where just be subtle, sit next to her in lessons, talk to her and text her then over time build up the confidence to ask her to do something. Don't feel pressured into doing something for valentines day because trust me it's probably not gonna do much. Good luck though!
I know a man who can give you advice.
you're 13, trust me you don't need a girlfriend. However if you're really dedicated to winning this girl, just ask her to go for a movie or to do something don't go all extreme and do something massive out of no where just be subtle, sit next to her in lessons, talk to her and text her then over time build up the confidence to ask her to do something. Don't feel pressured into doing something for valentines day because trust me it's probably not gonna do much. Good luck though!
The thing is, We have known each other's existence since 4th grade and we've started talking at the beginning of seventh. We talk ALLOT thorugh kik and Instagram DM we know each other REALLY well and once she posted a picture on Instagram sayiong "Am i someones Senpai" Im debating whether or not to make her a card.
I think this questions is posted in the wrong place, it should be PM'ed directly to @Alex_:D, the King of Romance himself.

Since I posted I may as well contribute just a little bit: Being in a relationship at 13 is pretty useless, but if it's something you want, just tell her how you feel and hope for the best

I think this questions is posted in the wrong place, it should be PM'ed directly to @Alex_:D, the King of Romance himself.

Since I posted I may as well contribute just a little bit: Being in a relationship at 13 is pretty useless, but if it's something you want, just tell her how you feel and hope for the best

Two things we only see each other in school in the seventh grade hall which is filled with mutual friends and lots of bully's and i dont want to pressure on the spot and MAKE her say yes... I also just cant find the right words and if i do this and i screw up.... Im fucked....
13 years and wanting to possibly have a relationship with a girl. You are really similar to me but I am a few years older. I've known a girl since we were in nursery, she still doesn't know I exist. Not going to be like the rest of the old men replying to this, take your chances before it's too late, she'd be off with someone else in a few years.

I recommend you just talk to her. If you ask her out and she says yes, get in son. If she says no, so what? Nobody else will know besides the people she will be around when you ask, she'd just think you are cute for asking, the people with her will probably forget all about it a day or two after. If she ignores you or something, back-up, she's probably not worthy of you.

Enjoy my young(er) friend.
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13 years and wanting to possibly have a relationship with a girl. You are really similar to me but I am a few years older. I've known a girl since we were in nursery, she still doesn't know I exist. Not going to be like the rest of the old men replying to this, take your chances before it's too late, she'd be off with someone else in a few years.

I recommend you just talk to her. If you ask her out and she says yes, get in son. If she says no, so what? Nobody else will know besides the people she will be around when you ask, she'd just think you are cute for asking. If she ignores you or something, back-up, she's probably not worthy of you.

Enjoy my young(er) friend.


Member of PERPHeads.
Thanks, Thats some good advice ill take it. But antother thing is that i left out was that shes kinda Bisexual......
M8 I've hit the pussy so maeny tims, it a8nt evn fumny any more. (I maek J0k3}

I'm 14 and I know the feel. It does feel like a real relationship or something that does matter to you. And when everyone else tells you, "You're too young," or "It won't last because you're 13," it feels awful. If it's something that you really want and aren't just doing it for V-Day so that you don't seem like a loner (Join the club, pls.) then go ahead and do it. I know what I'm saying isn't helpful, as I can't even do it myself from the same advice that I KNOW WORKS. It's fucking hard, and you might never be able to do it. But just wear a nice button down shirt (Roll up the sleeves, pls) some jeans, nice shoes and smell nice. You'll fucking stun.

About the Bi thing, it honsetly doesn't matter. She's bi, she likes both genders, not one over the other. (My friend is bi; she) And on occasion if she has a girlfriend, it usually opens up the option to have a boyfriend. (Unless her significant other is 100% and not bi, than you're fucked. Unless she's cool with that.)

Pls tell me how it works out. pls.

Halflife-3 confurmd if u d0 1t.
M8 I've hit the pussy so maeny tims, it a8nt evn fumny any more. (I maek J0k3}

I'm 14 and I know the feel. It does feel like a real relationship or something that does matter to you. And when everyone else tells you, "You're too young," or "It won't last because you're 13," it feels awful. If it's something that you really want and aren't just doing it for V-Day so that you don't seem like a loner (Join the club, pls.) then go ahead and do it. I know what I'm saying isn't helpful, as I can't even do it myself from the same advice that I KNOW WORKS. It's fucking hard, and you might never be able to do it. But just wear a nice button down shirt (Roll up the sleeves, pls) some jeans, nice shoes and smell nice. You'll fucking stun.

Pls tell me how it works out. pls.

Halflife-3 confurmd if u d0 1t.
Yea okay, Ill take that advice thanks.
Lewis just took his girl behind the counter and oiled her up then prepared his chips and saveloy.

No but on a serious note buddy keep your education in mind not girls, its not worth it. Me and Lewis has had girls in past just about getting the C's not giving the D's.
I have advanced knowledge on how the chicks think, basically stare at her and if she looks back and smiles she wants the D, if she looks at you like she hates your guts then you are out of luck and need to move onto someone else.

For real though, at 13 years old your dick is probably to premature to understand how chicks think, 99% of them think like retards anyway and if you want to lose all your money (Grills are all moneygrabbers) then go a head and ask her out. I would say its not worth it, i'm going to save up a fuck load for a nice car and see what the chicks think when I cruise past and they know they will never have enough money because they waste it on pure shit like makeup.
Stare her down, tear your shirt off and begin beating your chest like a gorilla to assert dominance then when she least expects it, piss on her desk/her to mark your property/territory.


Anyone who gives you dirty looks is challenging you and should be disposed of.

P.s. Don't make it too sexual you might get charged for sexual assault, nobody likes a sex offender
And why bring up the bisexual thing? How old is she? Hope shes not in your age.
Focus and work hard = do well in school = good grades = college = university/ apprenticeship = valuable training = good job = money.

Focus on yourself and everything else will fall in place. Worry about girls when you're rich buddy. You get to pick after all.