So.... Vanish is a leading company of cleaning supplies etc! We can get those stains our in no time *Wink wink* So where were we?

hmmmm Oh yes our 'GREAT' Product! Our first product is the spray , this spray can get 'ANY' Stain out in under 5minutes and 2 seconds!!!!!! WOW Isn't THAT FAST?!?!?!?!

Next up we have the Vanish Tub , this Tub will give you A lot of vanish , to pour all over your load that you let off early.... Pizza from last night or ANYTHING!!!! If you buy this tub now you can get a %2.01 discount if you use the code [MohamedAkkkkbar] ! ! ! ! !
Next up we have the Vanish carpet cleaner! It includes 1 free plastic latex glove , 'Sorry that we couldn't put 2 In , our janitor used most of them , and it wasn't for cleaning....
But this carpet cleaner is the best so if You have a party at night and you spill a cup of red punch or what ever it was it comes out and your parents won't have to spank you!
Say goodbye to this Children!!!

So Ladies and gentlemen , this is the end of our Advertisement post if you want to come and see all of our products , go to your local corner shop , and ask them where is the