Vehicle decals/emblems/whatever you'd like to call it.

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Main Idea: Vehicle decals.
Discussion post:
Full description of the idea: The ability to customise your vehicle by adding various decals or emblems designed by members of the community or whatever.

Why should it be added?: Having the ability to customise your vehicle with a emblem or decal would make your vehicle appear more personalised and would stand out from the other vehicles generally spotted throughout Paralake.

You would generally have a choice where you'd like to put this decal.
For example:
- Putting the decal on the bonnet
- Putting the decal one or both sides of your car
- putting the decal on your windows

This could be used for some orgs, for example a big "O" for Olsen.

- More personalised vehicles
- Unique cars
- Loads of design ideas

-They'll always be this one design that everybody would go for.

*Other additions:




This is simply not possible because we already use up about 80% of vehicle skins and for each decal you need about 5 skins, even if you can't move it.
This is simply not possible because we already use up about 80% of vehicle skins and for each decal you need about 5 skins, even if you can't move it.

If this were to be added they would not use skins anyhow because the same decal would need to be added to a different skin on every single car which takes forever and is not worth it, but there would be enough skin "slots" about 4-5 free depending on if a car is also used by the police

EDIT: If you include dirt levels ermak is technically right, this suggestion wouldnt happen anyway because no one wants to skin so many different cars adding to server content etc.
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This is simply not possible because we already use up about 80% of vehicle skins and for each decal you need about 5 skins, even if you can't move it.
just create a 3d2d vgui :kappa:

theres several ways to do this without skins, altough it would be more difficult and most likely only be able to be placed on flat surfaces.
If there's a doable way to make this, I'd love it. Especially if they could be custom. Dunham food enterprises delivery truck ftw
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