Vehicle Search

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Description of the idea: Add a function which allows police to search vehicles, for example by using R with fists equipped. This should have a loading bar similar to lockpicking, and should take about 10-20 seconds. This is because realistically it takes like 1-2 hours at least to effectively search a vehicle.

Why should this be added? (pros): Police officers can already search vehicles legally, there is just no functionality to perform it. A more complete searching system

What negatives could this have? (cons): Misuse, this feature should be limited to Corporal, otherwise it requires the user to accept the consent popup.

*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: [useful images]
2.7 states LEO’s already have the right to search vehicles but only if they have reasonable belief there’s incriminating evidence inside, but it’s more of an RP thing where the user has to be trusted to comply.

If there was a function where an LEO could forcefully search a vehicle, and they find a gun, under 2.7 does that mean they can take the gun even if it has no relation to the situation? In fairness an officer can only do it with probable cause so I guess it’d have to. This is technically already a thing but this would just make it easier for LEOs so yeah +support
Any officer already can force you to get it out. You can’t take guns for no reason.
No they can’t because it’s not illegal in a trunk.
didn’t think so, especially as i’ve had officers search my trunk in the past and not care about the guns cus i didn’t have the one they were after
Poll added

LEOs can already view trunks if they have access to trunks in F4 but this is a really long process and many people don't use it whatsoever so I would definitely like to see a more functional way for officers to search vehicles, maybe even chests but that's not the suggestion here

And just to be clear, is this suggestion to allow officers to confiscate items directly from the trunk as well or just to allow officers a more functional way to view what is in the trunk?
In that case, maybe make a more constructive response and outline how that would be possible and how you think that issue can be solved
Ok, we already have TFU and shotguns for cops, as well as the ability to forcefully search players entire inventories and give citations of up to 10k and the ability to have our cars impounded. Let’s not give cops more ways to fuck us. A nice idea, but as mentioned above, it’d be abused and More unneeded work for IA would come as a result. We’d also need a way to log it, but not that it really matters, as staff would leave trunk Search abuse to IA.
I guess it's pretty open to abuse but you can already search trunks the process is just long, maybe it could take some time to actually search things like a couple seconds per slot and take maybe 7s to search a person idk. We could always just teach the cops the searching laws you'd be surprised how many don't know them like @Jimmy Jackson
Can I just remind people that this suggestion never said anything about allowing officers to confiscate anything but I'm not sure if that is implied

Also, couldn't this just work like normal searches, i.e. if the subject is nearby it would send them a consent pop up, maybe this can be overridden by cpl+? I don't see people complaining about normal searches, this is already possible but it's a really long process at the moment, why not implement this to make things much easier and functional as long as the proper measures to avoid misuse are also implemented?
Lol spamming consent pop ups on raiders cars mid raid so cops can push easily, gotcha.
Like I said, the subject should be nearby. This is just me discussing possibilities to meet a middle ground
@nutrient10 sorry but how the fuck is he breaking 2.5? He’s stating a fact that this would indeed be abused, he doesn’t have to give an essay on why the fuck this idea wouldn’t be all that good and he can keep it straight to the point if he wants to.
the ability to look into and access items inside the trunk of someone else’s car is definitely an an Abusable “privilege” and he shouldn’t need to explain how that would be abused.
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