Suggestion Title: Vehicles don't disappear whilst being driven.
Suggestion Description: If someone other than the owner of a vehicle is driving it, and the owner disconnects, then the vehicle will not disappear until the driver gets out of the car, or after a five minute timer, during which time, the driver is given periodic notifications that the car is going to be recovered soon, and they should exit it somewhere as soon as possible. The same thing should apply to job vehicles being driven by someone else when the owner leaves the job, etc.
Not sure how this would be implemented. I know chop shop cars are technically owned by the person who steals them, but for other people's cars, I'm not sure how difficult it would be to change the owner of a car on the fly, whilst it's being driven.
Why should this be added?:
Fewer annoying reports that someone disconnected to save their stolen car.
No more having the car you're driving disappear if someone disconnects/changes job, etc.
What negatives could this have?:
People reconnecting to recover their car, though this happens already, and it's still against the rules.
Potential issues with vehicle ownership meaning difficulty implementing.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: Chilling in ya homies car then he dcs and you're in the middle of the highway and then you get ran over by the audi two inches from your back bumper. That's not poggers.