VIP Gone after 5 days..

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Your nans house
I bought VIP for in-game money 5 days ago, which was 70k for 1 month. I come on today and it is gone, can I get it back, if it's possible...

My in-game name is: Liam
My roleplay name is: Carter Gucci
My steam ID is: STEAM_0:0:6003289

The guy who I bought it off:

In-game name: [(PI)] Wolvaras |NL|
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:15021514
At the time the VIP took a day to come through. Wouldn't it be easier to get an owner to look at the paypal transactions?
Mate get in contact with the seller and then have him verify the correct steam id. If its not right have him give you another vip. If hes not going to help get a demo and report him.
Already verified the steam ID when the purchase was first made - an admin verified it to - I believe it was Ben Cactus (Alex - I think)
I'm not sure what his IC name is but like I've stated above, it's

In-game name: [(PI)] Wolvaras |NL|
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:15021514

I think the guy bought me VIP again after I informed him about it. Weird bug. Let's hope it doesn't happen again.