Voice chat not working with Chromium version on

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Ight so when i put my gmod to the "chromium" version as told to see the youtube on tvs in-game.
My voice chat doesn't work, when i click test microphone it wont do anything but when i change the game beta version to "none" it works fine.

Anybody had this problem before and yall know if there's a fix?
I did this and my voice chat works fine in-game, but the audio quality now is so shit and it sounds like i play on a phone.
Sorry I missed this.

If you're still getting this issue with the DSOAL dll you can try to go into your speaker properties and tick "Disable all sound effects" under Enhancements. Then, untick "All applications to take exclusive control" under Advanced.
Sorry I missed this.

If you're still getting this issue with the DSOAL dll you can try to go into your speaker properties and tick "Disable all sound effects" under Enhancements. Then, untick "All applications to take exclusive control" under Advanced.
gonna try it on monday hope it works mate so i can finally see my plpd.online in-game and see tvs, gonna update you
As said, i dont bother downloading stuff, extracting and trying to fix it anymore.
Im fine as it is, it's just a tv and some in-game website i cant see, as youre helper you may close this.
I only cared about the issue in the start but looking at how long it took i cant bother anymore ahah.

Im gonna try Kevko's solution once, doesnt work and you can close.
@Floppa try this one.

  • Download this
  • Extract
  • and move these two folders into "SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\"
  • Run the game with chromium enabled
  • Try out your mic
this works but audio turns shit for some reason, but i think i can fix that on my own
thank you mate
I had this issue too actually and I just alt tabbed a few times and it fixed itself.
(i was alt tabbing to make sure my mic was the default comms device and it already was).
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