Warning Dispute (@Blobvis @SamSN)

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Reaction score
The Eras Tour
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @blobvis 2.0 @SamSN
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Maia
Your Roleplay Name: Ashley Maia
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:149931246

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - user shot the mayor which in the end killing himk instead of disengaging or gunpointing, decided to shoot the mayor in the kneecap after the mayor telling 3x to store the gun in the trunk with the last one insulting with sket

Why should this appeal be considered?:

The reason I am disputing this warning is that I feel like Blobvis and Sam ignored part of this situation when dealing with the report.

As I believe you can see in the clip, the mayor decides to confront multiple armed people and give them orders. After being told to leave, he insists in giving order and also insult the armed persons.

I believe that the mayor broke 3.4. In fact, he could clearly see the rifles on our backs, he also knew that there were no emergency services on duty (medics or cops) but still decided it was a good idea to insult visible armed people after being told to leave.

As stated in 3.4:
- Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

There was absolute zero reason or benefit for the mayor to keep giving us orders after being ignored the first time or even after being told to go away the second time but he decided to keep doing it and also adding insults. Even if it was the first insult he directed towards us, was already the third time he was getting ignored or told to leave.

The rule 3.12 states as follows:
Examples of reasons to justifiably assassinate the mayor include, but are not limited to:
- Any instance in which it would be justifiable to kill another player according to rule 2.5

I believe it would have been 100% justified to injured someone that insults you when you have a visible weapon on you. In this case I did not directly killed the mayor but simply injured him, that later, due to the fact of not having any emergency services on duty, lead to the his death. I believe however that injuring him was valid, because we were a clear threat to his life since we had visible guns and he had 0 SS, 0 cops, 0 medics, but still decided to insult and ignore us.

Since the beginning it was pretty clear that we wanted the mayor to leave us alone and he did not. He insulted visibly armed people and got surprised when he got the consequences. The mayor should have thought about the fact that we had guns and told him to leave before insulting.

The warning reason also fails to mention how the mayor was told to go away before actually ordering and insulting us the third time.

In my opinion, Blobvis and Sam failed to understand that the mayor was putting his life at risk and should have kept his distance when being told to.

Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/5iI3szR4t3RBE/d1337xONojVF?invite=cr-MSxUanUsMjE1MDcxNTgs
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We deem the warning given by @blobvis 2.0 and @SamSN to be valid as you did indeed break 2.5. The mayor may have insulted you and pushed you, but your vehicle was right there. You went out of your way to get back out of your car and shoot them once for something extremely trivial. Shooting someone over an insult is excessive and while the mayor pushing you and telling you to store weapons is not irrelevant it is indeed immaterial to the basis of your warning as nothing further could have come from that based on the circumstances.

However we do believe that the mayor should also receive a warning for their actions. As such @BullyHunter will be receiving a warning for 3.4 and @Maia's warning for 2.5 will remain on-record.

Reviewed with @Double J and @Ellie
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