Warning Dispute (dan)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: bobo
Your Roleplay Name: z
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:193447733

Why were you punished?: 2.5. The player killed another player over them nearly hitting them by accident, took it way out of proportion.

Why should this appeal be considered?: i believe this warning was invalid because of how this man has intended to run me over, he literally drove towards me and crashed into the yellow poles at the NPC at city garage like why would someone "accidently" drive into a wall when the exit is literally on the other side of where he should be heading to, i was told by dan that i should've only gun pointed him which was also my intention but unfortunately this didn't work out as he started to reverse and still tried to run me over which then i followed rule 3.6 and to stay alive and protect my life i had to disable his car to prevent it running me over and killed him because he was hostile and i saw his intention of running me over, dan said i overreacted in this manner which i don't see fair and i believe my actions were justified, if he did hit me i would've died.

The person also stated that he "accidently" did this and stated that "he was looking over his second screen", which i think BS but still his fault i don't care what you were dealing with IRL it's your fault not being present in-game and because of your action other player's rp is effected.

Additional Information: https://ibb.co/xGrXJDS
Since I am the one that issued this, I wont be apart of the decision, yet will leave my input below:

The warning is because you took it way out of proportion, you first mag dumped the car and then mag dumped the person when they got out. Instead of resolving this more civilized, or more controlled by just gunpointing them you took the actions you could take to the furthest level immediatly. You gave no room for seeing it play out, or seeing if it was accidental or on purpose. Thats why I issued the warning, it was way out of proportion.
I had the right to shoot the car to disable it, he was clearly reversing into me and by 3.6 i did everything to prevent my own death i acted in self defense in-game and by the rules, and by killing him it's because in my POV you can clearly see he tried to run me over, maybe he didn't pay attention but it is his fault for not being present and in a result of his action he got in a situation where he got himself in trouble, so why would i be punished for something he did and blame it on a second screen, in that moment i didn't have to know if it was accidental or on purpose i wouldn't take it OOC

I understand your opinion and why you issued this but i really believe this is unfair punishment just because the other player's accidental actions, and i will leave it to whoever will handle this and respect the outcome
Why did you believe the other player was attempting to run you over here, did you have any significant interactions with each other prior to this killing?
i believe he wanted to run me over because he drove straight towards me when his exit was on his right, he failed by crashing into the poles behind me and also because i moved a little to the right which you can see in the video and that's how i avoided my death then as he crashed i pulled my firearm and aimed towards him when i saw him reversing back at me again i decided to disable his car and i shot him because in my POV he attempted to run me over twice, now why would he drive into those yellow poles i'm pretty sure a bicycle can't pass between there and he claimed he didn't pay attention because "he was looking at his other screen" which is not my fault at all for not paying attention in-game and i really don't believe his excuse because he seemed very present in the moment by instantly crashing and reversing back at me, that's a lot of movement and action for a person looking at his other screen.

with my almost a decade experience i have always encountered same situation at the same location with the same action and i ended up dying everytime and this time this didn't happen because first i moved to the right to avoid being hit and second time i shot his car and disabled it before hitting me while reversing at me.

and to be honest maybe i have interacted with him before because i was mugging/raiding all day long so maybe i did encounter him and he decided to do that to me i wouldn't be surprised, if he did run me over there he would get punished for 2.5 but he failed because of my actions so i don't know why i was the one being punished for 2.5 when literally protected my own life 3.6.

ok so watch these 3 steps- here he was literally turning towards the exit he was doing alright

step 2- he literally decided instead of continue going towards the exit which is on his right he decided to drive towards me

step 3- idk what else to say

btw those SS aren't zoomed in or anything you can pay attention for it in the video he was just simply going for it

After a thorough discussion with the bellow mentioned staff members, we have decided that you did not act proportionally to the situation. Whilst we understand how you could have somehow perceived that there was a sense of danger, you could have taken a second and actually try to Roleplay it out, instead of jumping right for your gun.

You could have at least tried to figure out if they actually tried to run you over or if it was a simple mistake, after you disabled their vehicle, which we would've still deemed okay in this situation, since you had no previous interaction with the player.

It's a roleplay server. I understand executing people is fun, but if we allowed it for every near-miss, half of the server would be watching the reflection on their monitor all of the time.

My comdrades in this case: @Scrabuz @Jimmy @A1L @Locksmith
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