Warning Dispute (mina)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Faroe Islands
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: mina
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: maeen
Your Roleplay Name: Saqib Asaad
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39651776

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User pulled out a gun under circumstances that weren't beneficial enough to do so

Why should this appeal be considered?: I don't believe this warning is right as I had a very good chance of surviving it all, nor did he say anything other than run towards me, when he started talking, I had already had my gun out, which resulted in the assailant being killed on sight.

I also believe he was far enough away from me to be able to escape, get cover and shoot him. I had no reason to fear for my life as I had people watching my back, and there were people in front of the building that rushed to assist once they saw it all go down.

And it was beneficial for me to do so as I had a weapon worth more than his, a load of drugs inside the property, and to save my life.

  • If you take someone at gunpoint near a corner where they could reasonable run around said corner and flee or defend him/her self they may do so.

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I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt before, but it was fairly annoying to see if you were in cover or not when you pulled your gun. Having reviewed your demo, it is evident that your gun was pulled before khypher turned the corner.



The above screenshots should line up time-wise, it was just a case of using your demo to see khypher's position when your gun was drawn.
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