Warning Dispute (Nazeer)

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Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Nazeer
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Coomstains
Your Roleplay Name: Donald Trail
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:778092571

Why were you punished?: "3.4 - User ran away whilst under direct gunpoint by multiple officers just because he wasn't looking at them."

Why should this appeal be considered?: Okay, so they are saying I ran away only because "I wasn't looking at them" which is a harsh twist on the situation. I stole a car. I had not been recklessly driving, didn't hit anyone. Had no warrants. I was no threat to anyone, I just stole a car, it got spiked, so I immediately made a break for it. I was able to run away a bit and then I hear Yuri yell "stop, hands up" I keep running and then shortly after am stopped with a baton. Then another cop Alexis Shelby comes to me asking me why I didn't stop under gunpoint. To which I'll tell you all the same I told her and Nazeer.

I did not know that there was a gun pointed at me, I was running AWAY from you. I don't have eyes on the BACK of my head. I never saw any gun. Nobody said anything about a gun. An no, "hands up", doesn't mean I'm gonna die, the context is different. Nazeer I understand your point, if I were to have been in the woods and hear "hands up" I would probably stop bc I don't know who it is.... But in a situation where I'm not a threat to life, and the context being I'm not in the woods, I know who is chasing me (police) and my charges being nothing that would give them a reason to shoot me. No, when I hear "hands up", and I don't see a gun, under THOSE circumstances I'm not gonna think a cop with no reason to shoot me is going to break PD policy and RDM me.

This appeal should be considered, because it's clear I had no idea I was under gunpoint or that my life was at risk.

Additional Information: My medal acts up time to time and will randomly not record things when its running low on storage, sometimes its the mic audio, this time it didn't record game audio instead
Additional Information: My medal acts up time to time and will randomly not record things when its running low on storage, sometimes its the mic audio, this time it didn't record game audio instead
I can submit a demo if needed, like i said when medal runs low on storage it starts removing what it records at random to make space.

the report was made an hour or so after so I wasn't able to go back and get another clip
Ye if you could do it within 24 hours it would be much appreciated.
Hey I just got off of work an hour and a half ago, I'm trying to go through my demo, but its very plain to say the least. Like not even player models.

I understand there's some commands I need to put into console for everything to work proper after joining the actual perp server for the content and then leaving to load the demo, but i dont know what the commands I need to enter in console while in the demo are.

Is there a guide or commands you think I'll need that you know off the top of your head that you could send me please?

I'm sorry for the wait, work was long, so I am trying to get this done quickly so I can send a proper clip in an get some rest, as well as not waste anymore of your time.
Hey I just got off of work an hour and a half ago, I'm trying to go through my demo, but its very plain to say the least. Like not even player models.

I understand there's some commands I need to put into console for everything to work proper after joining the actual perp server for the content and then leaving to load the demo, but i dont know what the commands I need to enter in console while in the demo are.

Is there a guide or commands you think I'll need that you know off the top of your head that you could send me please?

I'm sorry for the wait, work was long, so I am trying to get this done quickly so I can send a proper clip in an get some rest, as well as not waste anymore of your time.
Ye please record it from your demo, the demo you need is: perpheads_demo_2025-1-17 02-30-10
this wasn't the right demo, this has the report being made, but not the actual incident the reports about. so i will check the one prior to that
I did not know that there was a gun pointed at me, I was running AWAY from you. I don't have eyes on the BACK of my head. I never saw any gun. Nobody said anything about a gun.
As I previously said, "nobody said anything about a gun", I now stand corrected. I will speak more on this.

Here you are:

As I stand corrected, yes, somebody did say they had me under gunpoint. I didn't hear them during the situation, though. Seriously, and my proof of this is that if you look at the f6 and this dispute I made prior to going back and seeing the demo just now. You'll see in both I said that I never heard any mentions of a gun, I broke everything down the exact same in exact detail as I remembered it and could provide to the staff from my clip I had, that unfortunately had no audio. To further my evidence, I let the clip play longer, so you can see my literal confusion IN the situation. As the officer cuffs me ands questions why I didn't listen under gunpoint, and as I was so confused they had to explain that they had a shotgun pointed at my back.

Way I see things, and this is my whole point of the dispute, and although I can see why the staff gave a warn considering there was a clear statement of gun pointing and my clip had no audio to back me up on whether I heard or not, and I had also made the poor choice of leaving the actual interaction with the officer that gun pointed me afterwards in the clip. My point remains that, if I didn't know I was under gunpoint, how can I be breaking gunpoint, thus breaking 3.4?

I understand the staffs decision at the time given I had very little evidence. Although, being that my recall of the events never changed in the report, or the dispute, an I've been helpful as best as I can in getting a better clip. Not to mention the fact that I provided a longer clip, so you can witness my confusion during the situation. I feel like with all this shown, we can reflect and see that I clearly had not known that while I was being chased, there was a gun aimed at my back.

Best regards,
Donald Trail
("coomstains" is a weird way to end this lol)

You were right about the first few seconds of the video, you did not hear them speaking and saying you're under gunpoint. However when you ran into bazaar you heared an officer saying; "You are being gunpointed man". This was supposed to trigger you to look behind, yet you chose to keep running, because of this you broke rule 3.4.

Reviewed with @HuskyD0G @Locksmith and @blobvis 2.0
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