Warning Dispute (Pug)

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Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Pug
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Jonezworthy
Your Roleplay Name: Richard Evans
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:18127881

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: You were gunpointed and decided to press your panic button breaking 3.4

Why should this appeal be considered?: Using the panic button is not specified as prohibited on rule 3.4
Using the panic button is not mentioned on rule 3.4 rule guide page either:
And that page has lots of information to do with police

Police are encouraged to use a panic button when in personal danger by the virtue of it being in the handbook

The rules on its use are specified in the police handbook - that it should only be used when "there is an urgent concern for personal safety of you or a colleague, which requires immediate assistance" - Officers Handbook, Section 6e, Performance of Duties

Having a gun pointed at you is exactly the scenario a panic button is designed for
It is a realistic action a police officer would take when someone points at gun at them and they are alone

Officers Handbook:
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Involved, as the individual who made the report.

Police are advised to use the panic button when in personal danger - it is a means of preventing danger. By making these movements under direct gunpoint and knowingly alerting other police as backup, you essentially condemn yourself to death. Using it to increase the danger to yourself is absolutely not how it should be used.

It is a realistic action ASSUMING it is not seen by the assailant with the firearm, but shown by this excerpt from the clip & the fact that I noticed to kill you, you made no attempt to do it with stealth at all. You were under direct gunpoint and I was actually in the best position possible to see you press it when you did, as I was at your side.


You weren't going to be killed at all had you complied, our intent was simply to take you with us into the shop, confiscate your equipment, and continue with the mugging. I had my gun tracking your head for a solid 5-10 seconds before you pressed your panic button; had our intentions been to kill you, you would've been dead much sooner. Through your breach of 3.4, you:
  • Heavily disrupted an ongoing roleplay situation
  • Prevented the mugging from happening to the full extent of its ability, preventing us from obtaining items and money that we should rightfully obtain assuming all parties play as they should
  • Started a large shootout in which many different people's time was wasted
Use common sense, there's no possible way to list every scenario that will ever happen in the rules, and visibly alerting other police while under direct gunpoint isn't exactly valuing your life. You should count yourself lucky to only receive a warning for this considering the widespread disruption caused, so my advice would be to take it in your stride and brush up on your rule knowledge.
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The handbook outlines the use of the panic button, it doesn't dictate whether or not it's against the rules. Of course, you're in danger when you're being gunpointed, but it is blatantly against the rules to press your panic button under gunpoint. There are more things that aren't explicitly stated as being prohibited than are, but they're still against the rules, so you bring up a very moot point. Common sense applied with reading literally the first line of 3.4 should have made you come to the conclusion that it's risking your life.

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