Warning Dispute (rxmeo)

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Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: rxmeo
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: RipperJuice
Your Roleplay Name: Daniel Connor
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33800049

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.8 - User created a kill corridor in their base to stop players from breaking in.

Why should this appeal be considered?: First of all, this is not a kill corridor. It's a defensive setup to hide behind the shelfs. You can see images in the handbook that do the same thing. The general rule of thumb has been applied that 2 people can cross everywhere in the base at the exact same time.

I asked rxmeo to provide me the sentence of the rule where this is not allowed or tell me where this is written in the handbook, but he didn't reply anymore. I can't find it in the rules. He said 'I'll check when I'm home', but his Discord status said he was playing Gmod so he just didn't check.

Additional Information: According to rxmeo, the guy who made the report didn't like the base, but he had blown up everything before he started to raid us, so there was no 'obstruction' at all
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After a thorough discussion with other staff members, the warning is valid.

The bookshelf that you have placed in that position is an unfair advantage, not allowing apparent movement of the player, for example when crowbarring, creating some kill zone in the middle, allowing you to easily wallbang it. Quoting the rule 3.8:

"Props may not be used to elaborately direct player’s movements. Typically a player’s movement is considered unrestricted if at least two players can fit through the path travelling side by side and they don’t need to jump or crouch in order to travel the path." The rule states, typically, meaning that just because two people can fit through does not mean that it is always right and there won't be inconveniences to someone's movement in specific cases like this.


You can see images in the handbook that do the same thing.

As you can see, the area near the doorframe has clear space, none of the exemplary Small Suburban Houses are built like this in the handbook.

Additional Information: According to rxmeo, the guy who made the report didn't like the base, but he had blown up everything before he started to raid us, so there was no 'obstruction' at all

I have contacted the mentioned staff member regarding this, they stated that they had watched a clip displaying the fail base and that the defense was up whilst they were dealing with it, moving it, and iterating how this was wrong.

However, I agree that this isn't really a corridor, your warning will be edited out so it may correctly be comprehended, you may see your updated warning via your SCAMBan profile.

Thank you for your time in creating the dispute
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