Warning Dispute (scrabuz)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scrabuz
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: duen
Your Roleplay Name: James black-ebuyson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:617823842

Why were you punished?: when i joined the server the mayor was in front of me he asked me to step on his prop/fence i said why he said cus im the mayor i said alr and he started lifting me in the air while i said stop i dont give concent to this and he kept going and an admin saw it and gave me a warning for 3.11

Why should this appeal be considered?: bc i didnt give him concent to prop push me and he just did it and either i jumped off the prop and died or i stayed and might survive also rule 3.6 says Players must, at all times, do everything in their power to prevent and/or avoid their own death.

Additional Information: i didnt tell him he could prop push me he just did it
Is this a dispute or an apology?

You cannot apologise for warnings.
i cant figure it out does the admin who warned me have it since someguy told me you have a evidence locker
thanks just keep in mind the reason why in the video i placed a plank was so i could stand on my own prop instead of his so i could maybe save myself

You had a good opportunity to step down from the prop, once it was apparent he would lift you in the air. Instead, you remain in position. It's also clear that your motivation for using the plank was to elevate your position up to the balcony, and not to preserve yourself from fall damage.

In addition to this, the mayor does not hold any power to force you on top of the prop, you made this choice yourself.

Reviewed with @A1L & @Ellie