Warning Dispute (sidd)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: sidd
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Emerald
Your Roleplay Name: Emyterasu Yubokumin
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:212435254

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 "Excessive negativity"

Why should this appeal be considered?: The person I downed at highway bend reported me for killing him without a reason, which is false. In the evidence shown, there were multiple reasons as to why I had KOS, including verbal commands from Omar, on german, to put out guns on them as soon as the cop's gone at the end of the evidence video, and him attempting to snitching Omar out for killing people. I shot him for the reason so that he could not escape, as he attempted to escape with his car and become a future threat. Not soon after what happened on highway bend, Omar got revenge on them later on at slums gas station, managing to kill all of them due to set attempting to snitch on Omar and the attack on him at highway bend. One of them broke 3.4 by refusing to exit the car while being GP'ed by a MAC-10, which prompted me and Omar to shoot the car to get him out multiple times and compromising overall fair gameplay.

Additional Information: I am fed up with this BS on perp where i have to take an entire fucking hour to prove my innocence due to some guy being butthurt about him getting caught lacking, hence why i kept my F6 short.
The players kept breaking character to try convince cops "I rdmed their friend" on multiple occasions.

The player we attacked on highway bend literally downed me with a baseball bat right there. The players at RC gas station balantly broke gunpoint.

All of them should get 3.4 and 3.24 warnings tbh. I'll provide clips when I get home from uni
@Emerald Okay, so where is the killing in question? Could you provide some explanation of this clip
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I've come to a conclusion after a discussion that shooting the second was indeed a bit too fast for comfort due to me having no keybind at the time and being paniced after returning from AFK and him using car keys during all of that. But that a 2.5 excessive negativity warning is a stretching punishment, due to the player not dying and not being finished off, as shown in the clip and shown in the logs where they've been revived.

You admit you broke a rule, even if the player doesn't get finished it can still be 2.5. If you think the punishment is too much please make a SC.
Reviewed with @3izu and @curak
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