Warning Dispute (Super_)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Super_
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Sorle
Your Roleplay Name: Acrisius Ross
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51990442

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.5 4.1

Why should this appeal be considered?: Already discussed incident with @Riekelt but here we are lol

Rundown of the incident: @Bonnisen was falsely and illegally charged with Loitering, and in retaliation assaulted the charging officer and fled. At this point, I went on duty. I asked the officer charging what he was being arrested for, to which I was met with "standing on a sign". At this point I said he's to be let go then as he just hasn't committed a single crime at all by standing on a sign. I was then informed that he punched the charging officer. I understood that he had already been falsely charged for "standing on a sign" so due to the aggravated nature of it I said that the already paid ticket will be the only charge he should receive, and that it should be changed to be 9.1 on the system to be accurate to what he actually committed. I was entirely ignored by the officers attempting to charge him and due to the ignorance to the orders and my refusal to allow the entirely unlawful actions of the officers to continue I released him.

The officers did not mention at all that the suspect in question had fled, or punched the officer more than once, or failed to cooperate with any demands. DIRECTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH 3.5 I only used the information I had been given by the officers to inform my decision.

3.5 - They claimed I only went on duty to release him, but where is the genuine evidence of this? I went on because I was bored of crim and had literally nothing to do, witnessed this situation, and decided I simply didn't want to be an officer at the same time as the people on due to the excessive nature of their ignorance & insubordination. I used only information I had gained from the police officers to involve my decision.

4.1 - I was claimed to have broken 6.10; however if a officer senior to another believes his actions to be unlawful or not in accordance with policy, is it not their duty to obstruct and prevent? The course of action taken by the officers was unlawful and as such I was attempting to prevent it.

This whole situation was horribly unfair on everyone involved and honestly I find it quite gross for @Super_ to use a position of power in the department in order to enforce punishment upon me for a situation where I was attempting to make wrongs right. I spoke to @Riekelt immediately after the situation and he deemed no server rules to be broke as I was acting entirely in accordance wifh the law and entirely in accordance with 3.5.

The department's decision to uphold a demotion is gross in its own right however I will be appealing again with further evidence. This is entirely a miscarriage of justice and it is horribly disheartening to be so extensively punished for trying to correct another's wrongs.

Additional Information: Evidence to be provided in a few hours. Will go into further detail then as well

In what universe is it deemed appropriate for me to receive punishment for trying to correct a situation within rule & policy via shutting it down? The charging officers were entirely not within their right to charge for loitering and as such I will attempt to obtain Bonnisen's POV to make an action request & an Internal Affairs complaint.

Was claimed to be "defending a friend" and Bonnisen's a lovely guy but I've spoken to him about 2 or 3 times in my whole life - would do the exact same for anyone else in that position because it's just unfair.
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I've decided to go back through the complaint again just to gather all the details relevant to the situation, so I can try and explain what happened.

The situation starts where Bonnisen climbs up onto a sign and stands on it for no apparent reason from what I can see. Following this, the officers on scene communicate with him and decide to issue a lawful ticket for 11.8 loitering. I can't see any lawful reason for standing on top of a street sign where there is also potential risk for him to fall off as well, which is why I would say it's lawful. After the ticket is issued, Bonnisen assaults the police officer twice, so he is then further arrested for committing an assault. A prison sentence for assaulting a police officer (or anyone) for that matter is entirely reasonable and justifiable, as it is a felony charge. It being more than one punch also justifies a jail sentence over a standalone ticket. Even if the ticket was unlawful, it does not give anyone the right to assault someone, and they are still liable to a punishment. The appropriate course of action would be to request a supervisor of make a complaint. I understand you wanted to substitute a ticket for a prison sentence because you believe the ticket was unlawful, however, I disagree and think a jail sentence was the right call in this situation and I would have also jailed for this. I'm not going to comment on the rules side of things as I was involved in the outcome of this complaint, but I just wanted to explain it a bit.

We all agree that the reason why you went on duty was to help @Bonnisen

Your argument that you were "bored of crim" makes little sense as you went off duty seconds after this situation was over.

You witnessed a situation as a civilian and decided to go on duty so you could have a say in the outcome, this is a clear breach of rule 3.5. Later on, you kept releasing a suspect that was being arrested by another officer which falls under 4.1 as you broke law 6.10 - Obstruction of Emergency Services.

For these reasons we believe that the warning from @Super_ is valid and we strongly suggest you do not do this in the future.

Reviewed with @Ellie @3izu @SamSN @Snusmus @Dom_ @MiniRaze
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