Warning Dispute (Ultimate)

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Reaction score
The garden
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ultimate
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: IZ_
Your Roleplay Name: Carlo Montanari
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56013197

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - The user loitered around the Slums Apartment after raiding the property and shooting a police officer when there was no reason left to stay. After conducting both of these actions, the user kept stalling/loitering around the scene. Another officer arrived on the scene and got shot by their crew.

Why should this appeal be considered?: To start off, we were looking for properties to raid. We came across slums, so we raided slums 4 however it was an empty property so we left, while attempting to leave the cop shot up my friend joe and the cop was shortly killed. While trying to leave we saw a medic come down so it was best to have the medic heal joe and remove the body, so no one can be warranted. So we stayed with the intention of leaving no evidence.

Shortly, dom spots a guy going up to the same apartment we broke into. Thinking we overlooked something I went up, while I wanted to leave, I couldn't as I didn't have my own car. So he went upstairs and wanted to mug the guy, as can be seen in the demo in that Action Request. I told dom he wasn't allowed to GP the guy into s4. I wanted to leave however another cop came so he was shot, so the medic came again to remove the body.

I never committed any crime in the first place, I didn't raid any property ( it doesn't count as it's an empty property), and I never shot any cops. I practically sat there and watched the whole thing unfold. I came along expecting to raid however I never got to raid nor shoot anyone or mug anyone. I didn't loiter around as I had a good reason, removing evidence so nothing bites my friends in the back, we quickly left afterward.

Another thing to point out is following the same logic as this warning I have received, shouldn't the other individual be warned for the same rule breakage? As he was also doing nothing, the same as me? Also, Ludus broke several building rules despite the videos being watched he wasn't warned?

Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/sJDXPdYAHRzTy/d1337Rx6NUSK?invite=cr-MSxjWEgsMTI1MjA2OTAs

After the initial shootout you should have left the scene immediately, clearing up the bodies is not a priority and you should assume that realistically there would be more police on the way, therefore after already shooting police in the first raid, starting another raid is risking your freedom significantly in a realistic scenario. The fact that you had no car is irrelevant. In the time that you stayed on the scene speaking to the medic and walking around the gas station you could have run to city garage via hungries and made it to city garage without being spotted. Moral of the story is, don't stick around and get greedy for another raid straight after and bare in mind that realistically there will always be backup coming so LEAVE at the first available opportunity, and certainly don't start another raid if you've just killed cops there too.

Reviewed with @Super_
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