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Communication Banned
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: @joey

Your Steam Name: J2K
Your In-game Name: Daewon Leliopa
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53115398

Why were you banned?: 3.18 - User stored cocaine whilst police were about to raid his apartment, he was aware of this. // Banned for enforcer joey
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: Because as in the gyazo below states I was warned of a raid however I wasn't. I was uneasy of a civ raid as people kept coming to our doors pretending to be cops then running off. They'd shoot a shot see if cops turn up then if they don't pretend. So if cops turn up usually they do a investigation on the apartments, but they came straight to ours, ofc they did nothing wrong by this however i wasn't going to answer just in case because stevo just shot cops 8 mins prior roughly. So I pretended like we wasn't home just in case it was raiders or cops because they won't breach us when there is two apartments two investigate and anyways it was slums 1 that shot so surely the cops would get onto them too. But you see in this video no warning was given about a raid time i stored these drugs, they were only knocking so i thought may be if we pretend to not be home they go straight to slums 1 and leave us alone. However they breached a min after me storing when my life wasn't in any immediate danger. As you see no cop was even communicating about a breach time of my store or anything. It was just a simple "SLUMS 3 OPEN THE DOOR." Reason to me ignoring was because A. It was civs and they'd just gp if we opened. and B. If it was cops yes i could talk but we didn't shoot and they can't just pin it on us anyways. But heres a video 1min prior to my store to which you can see no talks of a raid was in question at this stage.

Rule states
3.18. While their life is in immediate danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person. This also includes detaching weapon attachments with the intention of avoiding their loss.

and as you see here it felt like my life was in no immediate danger due to cops only being there for shots, as they could've not known Stevo was there. So they'd have to atleast communicate with slums 2. But they raided me a min after this. But no communication to being raided therefore i felt like it was ok to store.

Additional Comment(s):
Reaction score
United Kingdom

It was pretty obvious that they were gonna raid or atleast a situation caused out of this so you storing your stuff would be considered a rulebreak.

If you have anymore questions feel free to ask them on teamspeak/steam

reviewed with @Dom_ @curak
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