Warranted Criminals

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Topic: Warranted Criminals

Short explanation (in notes):
- A reward when a warranted criminal is arrested
-When an officer arrests a criminal, the officer receives a reward.
-This depends on the time, for example if the criminal has not been caught for 20 minutes, the pay goes up by 500$. The default pay would be 500$, every 20 minutes this would be increased by 500$ until it reaches 2,000$. A warrant stays for 60 minutes by the way.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
This should become added due to the fact that criminals make more money (24,000$ per hour) and standard police make an average of 15,000$ per hour. I find it exceedingly unfair.

Optional additions:
Just make people break more rules? Police earn less but dont have any risk. Criminals are always in stress defending their drugs. Meta, 3.4, and many many more rules will be increasingly broken.
Officer: "Hello sir, I believe you are warranted."
Criminal: "How would you know?"
Officer: "Because it says it above your head."
As if that doesnt happen enough, now people are gonna do it even more often?
Lol. At the moment you can not see a warrant text above people's heads. Police risk their lives every minute, what are you even talking about, police risk their lives just to save another. Criminals are always defending their drugs, yeah of course they do but they do not get raided every minute now do they? And even if they get raided, cops would be there to help. Criminals just sit there and watch their drugs grow, police officers patrol the city, look for warranted citizen, respond to raids, respond to bank robberies, respond to mugging. All of these could risk their lives.

I looked at this and thought, "I wonder how I can abuse this?" jk,
Nah, It could be abused, however It is an okay concept, but It would have to be implemented well. I personally believe that the bounty should decrease as time goes on, because, if the police force takes fucking forever to catch a guy, that doesn't always mean he is dangerous, It can also mean that the police force is shit at their jobs.
TL;DR: Neutral +/-
Just make people break more rules? Police earn less but dont have any risk. Criminals are always in stress defending their drugs. Meta, 3.4, and many many more rules will be increasingly broken.
Officer: "Hello sir, I believe you are warranted."
Criminal: "How would you know?"
Officer: "Because it says it above your head."
As if that doesnt happen enough, now people are gonna do it even more often?

I'm banned and even I know it no longer says that above your head. Press F3 as cop?

+Support, would give cops more motive and if you destroy guns or drugs you get a reward, I think this is actually a good idea to be honest.
Meh. This is too abusable in my opinion. With some tweaking, sure. However I'm not too keen on the idea. You'd do well to consider what some people are saying in previous posts and not instantly dismiss them and have your own personal army of downraters attack them for having legitimate views.

-Support, I'm afraid.
-Support, it would be quite unrealistic, + it would result in multiple cops possibly fighting on who should get the reward.
The thing is; People would money farm and there's really no proof of them actually doing so. And the reward would be one less criminal, I've never seen any rewards being handed to officers irl
The thing is; People would money farm and there's really no proof of them actually doing so. And the reward would be one less criminal, I've never seen any rewards being handed to officers irl
Yeah, i've never seen cops get rewards for warranted persons.

Officers are at immediate risk, mentally and physically. They should always be rewarded for upholding the law at the possible cost of their life

Great Idea, but mabye remove the warrant text after 10 mins to make it harder for officers to break rules.

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