Server Suggestion Warrants, DNA and Investigation RP

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Suggestion Title: Warrants, DNA and Investigation RP
Suggestion Description: This was a paraphrase of a in-depth explanation on a suggestion I had coming from another thread that I wanted to specify on.

A crafted item using paper towels (or cloth if cloth was to be added) and a one time tapestry (if added ideally) and glue (if glue was to be added) is what I would say works, Ideally cloth along with other materials should be added as an item and obtained from a general store. A person has to have the levels to craft it and when crafted the mask or gloves can be worn and taken off by police or people if a person is ziptied or cuffed. When a criminal wears a glove and he kills a player his DNA is not found on the body however he is still stained with gunshot residue making him a prime suspect if found with it. Criminals with this who are caught can be charged with the crime if decided guilty by cops per scene but criminals can attempt to escape and wash it through a 15+ second long loading screen of "washing gun shot residue". Guns can also have serial numbers whenever they are created that we can see in the description of the gun or it can say if the gun was shot recently. Further more to give investigation roleplay to the cops I believe it is at your discretion what is the best way to do this but if the cops go back to where they believe shots were fired they can collect bullet casings and have a swep that tells them if that gun fired at this location. Gloves or no gloves if that gun is found on the person they are convicted. The glove mechanic forces cops to at least DO that effort and prove that they can roleplay instead of gunpoint crims and ruleplay 3.4 then slap crims with a murder charge because they magically get DNA. When a player is killed instead it tells the cop "A Local described the shooter as (insert mild description) who used a (insert gun)". Then cops are on a hunt for a guy matching description with that gun or a gun shot residue positive.

The Pros of this is opening doors to investigating roleplay, criminals can actually get away with murder without having to shoot all the time and don't get an instant warrant.

Why should this be added?:
- The police would greatly benefit through learning how to catch a person and roleplay a real and effective method of cracking a case while disposing of the old and unrealistic form of using a "DNA Tool" to track anybody who killed a person even if the person never got hurt therefore realistically leaving no DNA somehow the DNA tool still works which seems hypocritical. It should be called "The Killer Finder Tool"

What negatives could this have?:
- A need for detectives would open up and this is actually good and bad. Bad because learning how cops REALLY track down suspects instead of using a magical DNA tool could be a learning curve for a few however it is not hard and should be easy for most to quickly grasp. The detectives could also be a division which needs work to be done then undercover cops can be a thing to make an investigation easier or stings or things of that nature can butterfly effect into the roleplay scene. Nonetheless learning this would surely be something some may find challenging as it's out of their comfort zone but I hope it can bring better and higher quality roleplay to the police department.

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Its cool and it seems like your passionate by these kind of subjects, but I believe this is too much for a video game.
As it stands, there is no investigation if you stand accused of committing a crime involving a Government employee. Apparently they'll just believe them regardless of who they are or what they said because "they're not allowed to lie".
Cool thought out ideas, sadly too overly complex that shouldn't find its way into any kind of gamemode, I tried to make sense of anything you wrote but that is already a headache.

Criminals can inflict some sort of outcome when it comes to DNA and that is to hide evidence, corpses being the main factor. Sadly this isn't possible due to time constraints or else you face cops instead of making a swift escape. You can sort of dispose bodies on the back of a car or molotov them in a safe area, that's about it. There should be a way to hide your evidence better, not make a way for cops to acquire said evidence harder or else it just doesn't get fun trying to catch anything.

It should be called "The Killer Finder Tool"
Gmod is not LA Noire its (kinda) fast pace server bodys will dissapear in around 10-15 minutes (if I remember correcly) after a shoot-out its often seen when you try to take DNA that the body dissapeared or a person discconected specially that suspect have to wait only 10 minutes after a crime to leave the server so there is litearlly no time to "make some detective skills in use". We are acually using thoose skills to track down suspect and what could happen
Why u try to nerf pd so much lol
How about this,

- Corpses' DNA does not get deleted if the victim disconnects
- DNA expires after 25 mins
- When scanning for DNA you scan for 'fragments' that go into your inventory
- Take the fragments to the Hospital (or pd?) lab or some shit to process the DNA (maybe an NPC does it?)
- Results!

Why like this?
- Makes cops & medics value their life more
- Cops nor medics will not risk their life to collect DNA as it is not instantly uploaded
- Makes DNA more interesting

List of Maybes:
- Leave fingerprints on dropped weapons(items?), Fingerprints expire after 6 mins

Just a concept that I came up with on the spot, might not work but I haven't thought about it too much
As it stands, there is no investigation if you stand accused of committing a crime involving a Government employee. Apparently they'll just believe them regardless of who they are or what they said because "they're not allowed to lie".
I agree and basing that off of just because "they're not allowed to lie" really can open doors for a lot of work for staff in cases where it's a he said she said situation. Rather if the game has functions that are realistic built into it for people to toy with and figure out surely at first it would be a feat to achieve but once accomplished its certain that the quality of roleplay in that area would highly increase in depth and richness.
Cool thought out ideas, sadly too overly complex that shouldn't find its way into any kind of gamemode, I tried to make sense of anything you wrote but that is already a headache.

Criminals can inflict some sort of outcome when it comes to DNA and that is to hide evidence, corpses being the main factor. Sadly this isn't possible due to time constraints or else you face cops instead of making a swift escape. You can sort of dispose bodies on the back of a car or molotov them in a safe area, that's about it. There should be a way to hide your evidence better, not make a way for cops to acquire said evidence harder or else it just doesn't get fun trying to catch anything.

I would like to explain and word it better for you so you may understand it and let me know if anything is still confusing.

Let's say in this example there is a Criminal, a Victim and a Police Investigator.

Criminal and Victim have several altercations building up to the searching for and murder of the Victim. Victim is dead shot and killed in the middle of bizarre and the cops are already here. Criminal doesn't have molotov or enough time to dispose of the body. Police show up and investigate the scene closing off the area and searching for bullet casings.

Possible Outcomes from PD Win to Neutral to Perfect and ideal murder scene:

A) Criminal failed to clean his bullet casings and fled without wearing mask and without gloves on. Now witnesses know who he is and his name for a lack of mask, they know he has residue on his hands for a lack of gloves and the casings are there proving the type of gun he fired. Cops arrive and clear the area and collect all 3 boom a easy warrant is shown. Cops Click E on the body left there lying and see an image of the shooter as well and now know what their suspect looks like and will be on the lookout.

B) Criminal fled with removing each bullet casing after 30 second loading bar for each shot fired and was wearing a glove and mask so even the people who knew who he was can't say his name because he was wearing a mask and that would be power gaming the name floating above his head. Furthermore he also had gloves on so he would be clear of any black powder residue from his pistol on his hands however he left a trace behind which would be his casings and the body. Cops now can take the body and examine what type of bullet it was, what type of gun fired it and Click E to an image of what the player looked like but not his name.

C) Cops took too long to respond and the suspect managed to pick up EVERY casing behind a shot which was fired and hide the body with a mask and gloves on. All evidence is wiped and the criminal got away clean.

Now this all can seem overwhelming and I totally understand but this can't be closer to reality without maintaining some fast paced fun aspect. It can be extremely immersive running through each murder scene with different levels of evidence to work with and connecting the dots. I want to believe strongly that this method can replace the molotov and make for great police work and criminal murder scenes.
How about this,

- Corpses' DNA does not get deleted if the victim disconnects
- DNA expires after 25 mins
- When scanning for DNA you scan for 'fragments' that go into your inventory
- Take the fragments to the Hospital (or pd?) lab or some shit to process the DNA (maybe an NPC does it?)
- Results!

Why like this?
- Makes cops & medics value their life more
- Cops nor medics will not risk their life to collect DNA as it is not instantly uploaded
- Makes DNA more interesting

List of Maybes:
- Leave fingerprints on dropped weapons(items?), Fingerprints expire after 6 mins

Just a concept that I came up with on the spot, might not work but I haven't thought about it too much
I can tell you're taking inspiration from what I had suggested and I'm loving it honestly. The main issue with that is it provides better roleplay whilst still hosting that main issue of giving DNA evidence where DNA evidence realistically can be not present. If I wear gloves how on earth is my finger print on it? If I didn't get hurt or bleed at all on the scene how is my DNA there? it's an issue where some people like me and you want the police to at least put some work into investigating instead of getting spoon fed a warrant while others want to remain with a OP DNA Tool gun that tells you exactly who did it and what they look like and who they are and where they live effortlessly despite the fact it's a DNA tool it does it even without a realistic appearance of DNA, Kind of hypocritical.
I would like to explain and word it better for you so you may understand it and let me know if anything is still confusing.

Let's say in this example there is a Criminal, a Victim and a Police Investigator.

Criminal and Victim have several altercations building up to the searching for and murder of the Victim. Victim is dead shot and killed in the middle of bizarre and the cops are already here. Criminal doesn't have molotov or enough time to dispose of the body. Police show up and investigate the scene closing off the area and searching for bullet casings.

Possible Outcomes from PD Win to Neutral to Perfect and ideal murder scene:

A) Criminal failed to clean his bullet casings and fled without wearing mask and without gloves on. Now witnesses know who he is and his name for a lack of mask, they know he has residue on his hands for a lack of gloves and the casings are there proving the type of gun he fired. Cops arrive and clear the area and collect all 3 boom a easy warrant is shown. Cops Click E on the body left there lying and see an image of the shooter as well and now know what their suspect looks like and will be on the lookout.

B) Criminal fled with removing each bullet casing after 30 second loading bar for each shot fired and was wearing a glove and mask so even the people who knew who he was can't say his name because he was wearing a mask and that would be power gaming the name floating above his head. Furthermore he also had gloves on so he would be clear of any black powder residue from his pistol on his hands however he left a trace behind which would be his casings and the body. Cops now can take the body and examine what type of bullet it was, what type of gun fired it and Click E to an image of what the player looked like but not his name.

C) Cops took too long to respond and the suspect managed to pick up EVERY casing behind a shot which was fired and hide the body with a mask and gloves on. All evidence is wiped and the criminal got away clean.

Now this all can seem overwhelming and I totally understand but this can't be closer to reality without maintaining some fast paced fun aspect. It can be extremely immersive running through each murder scene with different levels of evidence to work with and connecting the dots. I want to believe strongly that this method can replace the molotov and make for great police work and criminal murder scenes.
Would this not cause a few issues (such as lag, maybe entity limits) if a bullet casing is created every time someone shoots? I imagine those casings pile up pretty quickly.

I dont like the idea of 'gloves' and 'masks' removing DNA, sounds stupid. That way it's impossible to get caught if not done by an idiot.
Would this not cause a few issues (such as lag, maybe entity limits) if a bullet casing is created every time someone shoots? I imagine those casings pile up pretty quickly.

I dont like the idea of 'gloves' and 'masks' removing DNA, sounds stupid. That way it's impossible to get caught if not done by an idiot.
I think you're absolutely right on the issue top part and that is an oversight I made.

What if the casings only show up if a body is found? It highlights where the bullet casings are. Realistic murder scenes operate this way also and when police investigators come you'd be surprised to see how many "idiot"s leave tracks behind them if this was to be added. TRUST me, there's a lot of factors like gun shot residue and casings and serial numbers and descriptions of suspect. No shot your average suspect would quickly realize and cover up all these tracks if any. There's so many opportunities for detectives to come into play here and crack a case with residue, a image of the suspect, casings to tell what gun it was and how many shots were fired.

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