Warrants tweak

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Topic: Warrants tweak

Short explanation (in notes):
- Any player that enters a government building or is near one will be spotted by nearby cameras and NPCs [Bank, hospital, police department, fire department. Etc] If warranted, the Police, Paramedics and Firefighters will be alerted in case they are armed
[Facial Recognition] A warranted suspect has been spotted by a camera/manager near/inside XQ Bank [Facial Recognition]
- The Facial Recognition should take 2-4 seconds to recognize their face [Normally any human being watching the cameras need some time to recognize someone's face on a camera], the 2-4 seconds delays the Facial Recognition alert.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
This gives a use for the NPC's in Bank and cameras mounted on government buildings. However, cameras at glass Co for example will not alert the police as it is a private property,

The delay of the message gives the suspect an opportunity to escape.

Any suspect that has recently been warranted would normally be broadcast to all government officials and report in if they recognize their face.

Optional additions:
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A

Great idea, really creative, but all I see is people would just camp in Hicktown until their warrant is gone so a lot of people would avoid RPing. And generally the police are quite OP it sounds like such a cool idea but it wouldn't really work, that's what I think anyway.

But who cares what I think?
Considering the fact that facial recognition would most likely take longer than a few seconds, I'd rather have it that police are alerted of a suspect being armed at the location, without issuing a warrant. Or at least make the warrant take longer to be issued, giving the suspect a better chance of escape.

However, I don't personally favour a system like this, as the police already seem rather powerful. Due to the pros and cons, I'll simply go neutral on this one.
Facial recognition would be hard to code (fairly). You would need to get the player to look at a vector what could be set, then print a message, or if global HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, somthing like that. So overall, not 'Very' hard to code.
Since the new system is about to be in-place this can be moved to the denied section i suppose.
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