Police Suggestion [Withdrawn] Automatic warrants for Murder of a PO

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NOTE: Max has brought up a very good point here so I have decided to rescind this suggestion as I can't think of a reasonable solution.

Brief description of idea: Issue an automatic warrant for Murder of a Police Officer when DNA is uploaded of someone finishing them off, similar to how automatic warrants for bank robbery are put in effect.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Allows officers to keep track of murder suspects and raid their properties in the 75% of situations where a corporal+ is not online.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: None that I can see. People with DNA having killed an officer are already regarded as murder suspects.

Other additions: maybe give pd tactical a-10 airstrike for use when there are barricaded suspects
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Obviously these issues aren't going to be immediately solved by adding more supervisors but the pressure can be taken off of the pistol cops with better activity and more incentive for acting supervisors to gear up.
Thinking about and constructing ways to incentivise those who already hold supervisory roles is always extremely challenging. I can see we have ran operations in the past which have had short-term impacts, but thinking about the long-term is always more difficult.

I would be really interested to hear from those already in supervisory roles: what more can we be doing to encourage you to go on-duty more?

EDIT: I will make a specific thread for the question above so as not to derail the primary purpose of this thread.
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