Weapon Emptying

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Great Britain
Topic: Weapon Magazine Unloading

Short Explanation: Adding the ability to remove a full magazine from a weapon.

Detailed description: This should be added because when people sell weapons, they may want to unload the firearm first, as so to keep wanted magazines and/or ammunition. the only way to do this at the moment is to have a magazine that is not full, and reload the weapon without any other compatible magazines in the inventory. This should be added so people don't have to fire that bullet, drawing unnecessary attention, and using a bullet that could be used for something better, such as killing the mayor.

Optional Additions:
Being able to remove the magazine even when you have other magazines in your inventory by using Alt + R
Here's one problem, you could be in the midst of a gun fight then press Alt+R when sprinting to safety but it would look as though you simply reloaded (as unfortunately there is no animation to show just taking the clip out) when really you unloaded your magazine. Now you either will not notice this until too late and try to shoot again exposing yourself, or you have to take the time reloading again.

May seem minor but could easily be troublesome to many

Side note: Some guns do not use magazines, and it hardly makes sense to suddenly be given a box of ammo if you can not load the rounds into a box you already have. So what do you propose with them?
Yes, however, as everyone knows already, you cannot reload weapons unless you have your weapon in an aggressive, not-aiming stance. so that would be the same here, and in terms of shotguns, I guess they would just keep the shells inside, considering that unloading a shotgun IRL takes time, and there is no real usable animations for that. I guess one way to do it is to do it through your inventory somehow, using a progress bar, like that is used in loading magazines with ammo. That would require no animations, as you would need free hands to unload your weapon.
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