K14 - Checking bullets left in a gun. (idea 45/155+)

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Rzeszów, Poland
I will be posting at least one idea daily.

Topic: Ability to check how many bullets are in a gun and if there is a magazine in it.

Short explanation (in notes):
-After picking up any gun with fists, text is shown over it to the played holding the weapon.
Possible text:
-No magazine
-Empty magazine
-X/Y bullets left

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
This is one seems simpler than the first idea and is needed mostly for gun dealers who don't know if there is a magazine in a weapon and how many bullets are left. And it happens to EVERY gun dealer.
Another situation in which it will be really useful is when you have a pistol and no more ammunition or you've found a pistol.
It will be really useful if police finds a pistol as evidence - they will be able to determine how many bullets are left in it.

I will suggest unloading mags and unloading bullets later (in a few weeks) because there are more important things right now and this one seems easier to code.
I think I get what you're trying to go for with police, however, I don't see what this would really accomplish if I'm honest. Even if you confiscate a weapon with 5 of 7 bullets missing, how is that evidence? That is circumstantial at best. Not every gun you find will be / would be loaded so to say someone would be guilty based off that is not very good. Additionally if someone just reloaded before dropping it, police would have "no evidence" as it were.

If you are talking about seeing that in a store before purchasing, I already plan on redoing the whole buying process at some point as to help be more informative and better in other ways as to avoid purchasing a wrong / misleading item.

As for your future ideas, I will tell you right now, we have no plans to allow for this behavior nor can I even think of any way you can do it. If you want to take out an empty mag from a gun you already can, so unloading the bullets from there is rather pointless, if you don't need that clip, simply sell it.
Maybe you can do it like if the gun has been used recently the police can see burn marks of the bullet or something and maybe you can make it so it resets every 5 minutes?
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